Category "gnu-assembler"

Including C headers from assembly

I've been writing assembly on linux for a while and I often find myself in need of including C headers which contain macro, enum and struct definitions (but cle

Array addressing in AT&T GAS assembly. Register offset from RIP doesn't work

I'm trying to work with arrays in GNU assembly. In my opinion the following code must exit with value 3. But it exits with 13. .section __DATA,__data inArr:

unknown pseudo-op: `.globl_start'

I have some assembly code written for 32-bit machines but I need to run that on x86-64 bit architecture. Please suggest ways to achieve this. I'm compiling usi

How to use RIP Relative Addressing in a 64-bit assembly program?

How do I use RIP Relative Addressing in a Linux assembly program for the AMD64 archtitecture? I am looking for a simple example (a Hello world program) that use