Category "google-cloud-functions"

Does Deployment Manager have Cloud Functions support (and support for having multiple cloud functions)?

I'm looking at this repo and very confused about what's happening here:

Run two function projects at the same time

Can we run two Firebase Function projects with the emulator at the same time? We want to test the interaction of two Firebase Function projects locally. We ha

How to get a full screen notification from FCM?

I am building a home automation project that has a fire sensor that will write to Firebase Database if there is a fire detected, then from that point I need to

ERROR: error fetching storage source: generic::unknown... When deploying GCP Cloud Function via GitHub Actions

I'm deploying a Firebase Cloud Function via this GitHub Action. When I deploy from my own machine using a service account it works fine. When running the Action

firebase cloud error Failed to load function definition from source

unable to deploy changes to firebase cloud Action: "Firebase Deploy" in cmd results: i deploying functions i functions: ensuring required API cloudfunctio

How to resolve "Uncaught ApiError Error: Project project-name has been deleted." issue in VSCode for Google Cloud function development?

I am very much new to GCP & Node JS, recently I started working on a cloud function development in Nodejs.I researched many websites to begin my development

Firebase Functions) Can I exclude certain files when importing them from the Storage bucket?

I'm going to delete old images using the schedule function. Before deleting these images, I have created thumbnail images, and I want to delete only the origina

Firebase cloud functions folder not showing

I am using firebase with react native . Trying to write some firebase cloud functions. For that i have used firebase init . On console it gives a success messag

Cloud SQL Admin Api Warning in GCF

I have a function deployed in GCF which is executed in node js. And it works with Cloud SQL instance of MySQL. And I receive this warning from time to time. Cl

How to use `firebase-admin` inside firebase functions using ES2015

Nothing I do here seems to work, I can't find an example anywhere that actually seems correct This: import { initializeApp } from 'firebase-admin/app'; Throws:

Google Cloud Functions: Return valid JSON

I´m trying to call a Google Cloud Function from my Flutter App using the cloud_functions package. This is my Cloud Function: export const helloWorld = f

How to get Google Play Subscription notifications in cloud functions

I am trying to get the response of the req.body of my notifications from Google Play Services in firebase cloud functions. The notifications come through a webh

Google Cloud Vision API error "Invalid language hints."

I am using vision api to extract text (document_text_detection) in my project for last two year and never faced this issue. Since yesterday the api is randomly

All nameservers failed to answer UDP port 53 Google cloud functions python 3.7 atlas mongodb

i can connect locally to my mongodb server with the address However, when I deploy my code to the cloud I get the error deploy to google cloud functi

Firebase database collection returns empty array when trying to get all documents

I'm trying to get all documents from my database collection "posts" but I'm getting an empty array instead. The strange thing is that I'm able to get all docume

Error: HTTP Error: 400, Invalid JSON payload received. Unknown name "skipLog": Cannot find field

I'm trying to setup firebase functions for the first time. I followed the steps in the docs, but when I run firebase init functions I run into this error: Erro

How to force terminating a cloud function?

I unfortunately ran to an infinite loop of cloud function ,It's being executing since yesterday without stopping ,please don't tell me how to avoid this problem

Error: Invalid login: Application-specific password required

i want send Welcome notification when user sign in using Cloud-Function with firebase auth so i m using nodejs CLI and run the code my index.js file 'use

GCP logs show function "Function execution took xxx ms. Finished with status: response error" whenever my header status code is not 200

As stated in the title, whenever I set my response header to be any status code besides the default (200), I receive a response error in my logs. This did not h

how to call firebase callable functions from localhost?

I get this error: whenever this cloud function is called: const makeAdmin = firebase.functions().httpsCallable("makeAdmin"); makeAdmin({