Category "google-cloud-platform"

How to allow users to consume GCP API Gateway programmatically?

I have a simple bussiness case, not real one, but common: We have an API to sell, maybe weather API. Users stored and managed with some identity provider. Users

How to list all permissions granted to a specific principal on GCP?

GCP IAM page displays project-wide permissions and principals. I've granted Object Admin permission to [email protected] to a specific GCS bucket. This permissio

GCP cloud sheel error: No credentialed accounts

I'm doing GoogleCloudReady Facilitator Program workshop labs, I'm facing a problem while doing the labs. when I try to run the gcloud auth list command then I'

Deleting a file from Google Cloud using fsspec

I am currently using fsspec in order to read and write files to my google cloud buckets with the code as shown below: with, "rb") as fp:

GCP Server crashing with "cloudsql.enable_instance_password_validation"

Over the past day I have been experiencing this error very frequently which results in the cloud instance needing to be reset in order to continue connections:

Error uploading file to google cloud storage

How should the files on my server be uploaded to google cloud storage? the code I have tried is given below, however, it throws a type error, saying, the expect

Is there a Google CloudBuild equivalent for Manual Approval Action in AWS CodePipeline?

I am looking to setup a manual approval before the production build can be triggered from staging. Is there any workaround to setup manual approval if Google do

Terraform file for gcp, how to input path for json key

I am studying trying to learning how to deploy using Terraform in gcp. Would anyone know how to write the path for the json key in the configuration file mentio

Error Deploying Cloud Function from gitlab

I am trying to deploy a cloud function via gitlab using a new service account (Not using default service account). It has the cloud functions developer role but

What is the "BigQuery project for exporting data" in Vertex AI Model training

I am following this guide in setting up a vertex AI pipeline. I am told to supply the "BigQuery project for exporting data", except that the guide is not clear

How to apply proper bandwidth per VLAN attachment in GCP?

I want to increase the bandwidth per VLAN attachment in GCP. What should be the strategy for applying proper bandwidth per VLAN attachment?

Google Cloud Storage Signed URL for Entire Bucket?

I have user owned objects in a Google Cloud Storage bucket which I'm controlling access to through a webapp backend. Currently, the webapp backend authenticates

Comparing: should I choose Terraform gcp modules or google gcp modules from git

I'm trying to serve a landing zone on GCP. I'm looking to get a starting repo and I found that terraform is exposing a foundation github repo with GCP modules w

Upload large csv file to cloud storage using Python

Hi I am trying to upload a large csv file but I am getting the below error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded w

Change hostname of SQL server SSL certificates

I have a postgres SQL server set up in google cloud. The certificates that I downloaded for this have a hostname of the form: project_name:instance_name. Howeve

Why do I get [INFO] Worker Exiting (pid: 2) when deploying cloud run service with docker? (On VSCode with cloud code extension)

I'm really new to this stuff, I'm a 16 year old currently doing a research project/internship, and I've just started 2 weeks ago. So I'm extremely confused. I'v

GCP create an instance template from an existing VM

I am attempting to create an instance template from an existing powered off VM. The VM is a pretty basic Centos Linux box. After a bit of googling the problem

Google Tag Manager Server-Side preview not working

Over the past two weeks, I've discovered preview-mode no longer works on new GTM server-side deployments. (I'm no stranger to setting up and configuring google

How to use GCP's ResourceManager Python client library to get all child Projects under a Folder?

v3 of the Cloud ResourceManager Python API has a list_projects method, but it only returns Projects that are direct children of the given Folder. For example, y

Google Cloud Text-To-Speech Character counts

I am using Google Cloud TTS for a personal project and though there is almost negligible chance that it will hit 1M characters / month but I would like to know