Category "google-cloud-sql"

how to configure replication(read-replica) for MS-SQL in Cloud SQL?

I am exploring Cloud SQL and the various flavours (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS-SQL). I am able to create read replicas for MySQL and PostgreSQL, but I don't find that

Is it possible to upgrade Cloud SQL postresql version with data in the 'postgres' database

We are planning to upgrade our Cloud SQL postgresql instances to V12. According to the instance upgrade guide, we should export data from the current instance

GCP Server crashing with "cloudsql.enable_instance_password_validation"

Over the past day I have been experiencing this error very frequently which results in the cloud instance needing to be reset in order to continue connections:

GCP CloudSQL increasing massive size of storage day by day

I wonder storage size of the MySQL Cloud SQL server in GCP is increased in TBs over time in just 4-5 days from just a few GB. I have checked the size of all the

Is it possible to upgrade the edition of a GCP Cloud Sql Server Express instance?

I have a number of GCP Cloud Sql SQL EXPRESS 2017 instances that I'd like to upgrade to standard editions. Ive considered just spinning up a standard edition in

How to decrease storage size for PostgreSQL on Google Cloud?

I moved some of my data from PostgreSQL to BigQuery. Before PostgreSQL database was using 130 GB of storage, now I only need 30GB. However, in the Google Cloud

Cloud SQL Admin Api Warning in GCF

I have a function deployed in GCF which is executed in node js. And it works with Cloud SQL instance of MySQL. And I receive this warning from time to time. Cl

How to export backup of Cloud SQL database in Google Storage?

I have a GAE project and for that to store the data i have used Cloud SQL database. I need to take on demand backup of my Cloud SQL database and the backup sho

How to add Google Cloud MySQL libs to Tomcat 8.5

We want to deploy our Applications (.war-Files) via Tomcat 8.5 into a k8s-infrastructure, having the depending Database on Google Cloud SQL (MySQL). Google offe

How to access Cloud SQL from Google Colab

I have a Google Cloud SQL instance with a public IP, only accessible to whitelisted IP and through an SSL connection. I'd like to know how I can connect to thi

Eclipse Google Cloud SQL connection

I am writing a Java MVC web app in Eclipse using Google App Engine. I would like to know why once I have deployed the app to Google Cloud the Google Cloud MySQ

How to reduce Google Cloud SQL instance size?

I have a Google Cloud SQL MySQL 2nd Gen 5.7 instance with 70GB of unused storage. I want to reduce the unused storage of my instance as this is one of the major

How can i edit and reduce gcloud SQL instance size (ssd storage)

As "Auto storage increase is enabled" was enabled on my instance along with "general logs ". due to which my instance crossed the storage of 5TB .but after clea

Connect Google Cloud SQL Potsgres with Google DataStudio

I am wondering whats the best way to connect my google cloud sql postgres DB with data studio. I do not see a google connector for cloud sql posgres, but only f

Is there way to use pg_cron from the google cloud sql?

Currently I need to move my database from postgreSql to google cloud sql. I use pg_cron to remove stale records like this: SELECT cron.schedule('30 3 * * 6',