Category "google-cloud-storage"

Revoke the signed URL of the object that was created in GCP Cloud storage

Suppose I have this scenario where I created a signed URL to GCP object using the private key of the service account using the following command. $ gsutil signu

Google Cloud Storage doesn't upload to the correct media and static directory in the bucket

I have created an app in Django and want to use Google Cloud Storage to keep my statics and media files. However, when running python collectstatic It

gsutil ServiceException: 401 Anonymous caller does not have storage.objects.list access to bucket even though I'm loggedin in gcloud

I am trying to create an internal app to upload files to google cloud. I don't want each individual user or this app to log in so I'm using a service account. I

How use Google Cloud on Source Tree?

I just created a new Repo in Google Cloud and wanna use the Source Tree app as controllers for my git interactions. But I keep been asked this password for pus

Google Cloud Storage confused about ACL/IAM and legacy permissions

I have a bucket whose contents I want to be publicly readable. However, I do not want the users to be able to list all of the contents by removing the keyname f

FTP to Google Storage

Some files get uploaded on a daily basis to an FTP server and I need those files under Google Cloud Storage. I don't want to bug the users that upload the files

Why does Google Cloud Storage freeze when I try to upload a large folder (2.5GB of images)?

After getting frustrated with Azure, I decided to try GCP. I wanted to try training a deep learning image classification model using GCP. To start off, I went t

Allow Public Read access on a GCS bucket?

I am trying to allow anonymous (or just from my applications domain) read access for files in my bucket. When trying to read the files I get ``` <Error&g

How to set access permissions of google cloud storage bucket folder

How do I set access permissions for entire folder in storage bucket? Example; I have 2 folders (containing many subfolders/objects) in single bucket (let's call

How to give service account only access to one bucket (Google Cloud)?

How to give service account only access to one bucket? If you just in case wanna give another 3rd party service access to your private bucket? The problem is by

Upload image picked from Flutter web to firebase storage and to Firestore

I was able to picked up image from flutter web with the code: Uint8List uploadedImage; _startFilePicker() async { InputElement uploadInput = FileUploadI

Google storage permissions error while generating signed url from cloud function

I'm attempting to use a Firebase Cloud Function to create signed download URLs for files stored in a Storage Bucket. Using the snippet below on my local machine

Django Static - Google Cloud Storage - CDN

I am still new with serving my Django static/media files to Google cloud storage. It's working now but I am not sure if this is right or is this enough already,

Write csv to google cloud storage

I am trying to understand how to write a multiple line csv file to google cloud storage. I'm just not following the documentation Close to here: Unable to rea

How to create a empty folder in google storage(bucket) using gsutil command?

How we can create the folder using gsutil command. I am using Bashoperator in airflow where I need to use the gsutil Bash command, Bucket is already created I w

What is the difference between gcloud and gsutil?

I want to know difference between gcloud and gsuitl. Where do we use what? Why certain commands begin with gsutil while others with gcloud?