Category "google-colaboratory"

How to access Cloud SQL from Google Colab

I have a Google Cloud SQL instance with a public IP, only accessible to whitelisted IP and through an SSL connection. I'd like to know how I can connect to thi

mp.set_start_method('spawn') triggered an error saying the context is already been set

Here is my full code I have succeeded to reproduce the behavior of my main code with a little snippet. In a Google Colab Env, suppose I setup hardware accele

Google Colab not updating package?

I am trying to use seaborn==0.8.1 in an ipynb on Google colab. Here is my code: """General import statements and settings config.""" !pip install seaborn==0.8.

How can we use Selenium Webdriver in

I want to use Selenium Webdriver of Chrome in for fast processing. I was able to install Selenium using !pip install selenium but the

Python Tutor + Google Colab

Preambula. I'm trying to use Google Colab to teach students Python. The problem is, there is no nice tool to visualize code execution. I tried to use Python Tut

TensorFlow TypeError: 'BatchDataset' object is not iterable / TypeError: 'CacheDataset' object is not subscriptable

I'm following the TensorFlow starter guide. It specifically said to enable eager execution on the sample project for iris (flower) classification. Import th

Installing a R package in google colab

I am doing scientific research, and I am having some trouble using an R package to treat my data. I program in python using Google Colab, and I don't know much

Google Colab running any cell received javascript related errors

Received a browser white popup saying when executing any cells: Error Could not load the JavaScript files needed to display output. This is probably because yo

Input/output error while using google colab to read Google dirve files

I am training my model with colab. I have encountered this error more than once, when I use the enumeration function in colab to iterate my training data on Goo

Mount multiple drives in google colab

I use this function to mount my google drive from google.colab import drive drive.mount('/content/drive', force_remount=True) and then copy files from it lik

Test if notebook is running on Google Colab

How can I test if my notebook is running on Google Colab? I need this test as obtaining / unzipping my training data is different if running on my laptop or on

Import data from shared Google drive into Google Colaboratory

How can I view files that exist in a shared folder on Google Drive? I have tried: from google.colab import drive drive.mount("/content/gdrive") os.listdir("/co

Keras model - high accuracy on natively executed code, fails to learn in colab

I am doing classification of citrus leaves dataset. I came up with a very basic model and ran it in Jupyter notebook on my machine, using anaconda. Exact same m

Is Google Colab notebook sharing my Drive data with the notebook author?

I am following an online tutorial and the tutor has provided a Google Colab notebook as a supplement. But whenever I run any of the cells from the notebook, I a

textclips in moviepy on google colab (imagemagick error)

I'm trying to add text to a moviepy video, but I'm having trouble getting imagemagick to work on google colab. The code: !apt install imagemagick from moviepy.e

Import Image from Google Drive to Google Colab

I have mounted my Google drive to my colab notebook: from google.colab import drive drive.mount("/content/gdrive") I can import csv files through it, in my cas

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ''

I am trying to use ImageDataBunch from fastai, and it worked fine, but recently when I ran my code, it showed this error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'f

Quick Docstrings in Colaboratory

I'm starting to play with Colaboratory but I've noticed that shift-tab doesn't pop up Docstrings for functions as it does in Jupyter. Is this functionality abs

How to Upload Many Files to Google Colab?

I am working on a image segmentation machine learning project and I would like to test it out on Google Colab. For the training dataset, I have 700 images, most

Running Django on Google Colab

I was trying to run the Django on Colab, by following the instruction here, however, after the !python runserver step, I tried to access the server