Category "google-developers-console"

Google Play Android App Internal Testing - Update button not shown to internal testers

I have found the other versions of my question on SO and have already tried to contact Google through their dev support trying both the chat/email options, but

Retrieving YouTube API v3 data for all my channels

I have five YouTube channels that are all under one user account (one e-mail address). I can switch between them at will within the YouTube mobile app, YT Stud

Android Device Verification not working in Flutter

I am trying to do get OTP without Verifying you are not a robot screen using firebase in a flutter. I added the SHA-256 key in firebase and enabled the Android

How to add authentication to a Google apps script without it expiring?

I have a Google apps script project which I use as a web application to save some data gathered from a web page (JavaScript only) to My Google sheets (think of

google play console app status draft why?

i'm trying to publish my new app on google play. but i'm confused about app status... in dashboard pages, app status showing DRAFT but why? is that a problem? w

How do I determine which gmail permission is causing Google to send my clients 'Limiting access to data in your Google Account' emails? [closed]

My clients are receiving emails like this (I quote the text, but it is an html email): From: Google Accounts Date: [OMITTED] Su

Cant use YouTube API daily quota reduced to 0

I used the YouTube API to get the number of views of the video and displayed it on the management site, but I couldn't get it on 5/12. When I check Google cloud

Cant use YouTube API daily quota reduced to 0

I used the YouTube API to get the number of views of the video and displayed it on the management site, but I couldn't get it on 5/12. When I check Google cloud

How to generate "client_secret.json" for Google API with offline access

I am trying to authenticate to google API in a backend service using a service account. It will not have a UI at all. I have generated private keys in json form

Android Emulator stuck loading screen on M1 mac/ Apple Silicon

I had downloaded Android Studio on my M1 MacBook air but I can't run the emulator and it just gives me an error. I search Android Studio requirements for mac an

What exactly is the client secret for Google OAuth2?

In Google's OIDC guide, section Exchange code for access token and ID token states that I must provide a client_secret. If I select the relevant client ID from

Having a trouble with Google OAuth2. Can't sign up with google

Been facing this issue "You have created a new client application that uses libraries for user authentication or authorization that will soon be deprecated. New

Google Play Console Developers Account - Can change it from organization to personal

I registered the wrong organization account. Now they ask me to verify my identity with organization information. Can change it from organization to personal? T