Category "google-maps"

BindCallback observable never get next value, while manual bind works

using google.maps.places.PlacesService and the getDetails query the method signature is (method) google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails( request: goo

How to load the correct KML according to location?

I have 15 kml files and I have a map from google map api, still I haven't found some way to put the correct kml from 15 kml files that I have according if the l

How to create an image from a widget in Flutter-web?

To display custom widgets on google maps google_maps_flutter I use a very convenient function that translates any Widget (including those containing images) int

agm-marker-cluster does not show markers after zoom

I have this section for clustering markers on a map with a custom cluster image: <agm-marker-cluster *ngFor="let item of clusters | keyvalue" imagePat

Google maps cross-platform URL fails to load route on Android after "in app navigation"

I have an Angular 9 + Ionic 5 application, deployed as PWA, Android and IOS apps. We use google's universal, cross-platform URL to launch Google Maps, as descri

how to pick an address from map in flutter

I want to create a widget that show google map with initial location, when user click on it it open google map with a marker and allow user to search or select

Markers not rendering using @react-google-maps/api

I'm relatively new to react world and particularly to using google maps. I'm using @react-google-maps/api and React version 18. I'm trying to display multiple l

Android: How to make Google Map Polyline smoother?

I'm using the latest Google Maps Android SDK: implementation '' This is my method for adding a Polyline to the

Android: How to make Google Map Polyline smoother?

I'm using the latest Google Maps Android SDK: implementation '' This is my method for adding a Polyline to the

extract all items in Google map search first page

I'm interested in Google map scrapping through Python and selenium. I want to scrap all the leads for a specific search. In the first page 20 leads are displaye

Unable to drag marker on google map in flutter

I'm using google_maps_flutter: ^0.5.24+1 plugin. I can't drag the marker inside map even though draggable property is set true. Whats wrong here? My code :

How to Add Google Map Places "textSearch()" api in React Native

I have a tourist App, and i have made a tab i.e ATM onPress it will display List of ATM's in nearby defined Radius. I have tried Different modules which availab

Why is the google maps places search not placing a marker when a location is found in my Angular project?

I am using the @angular/google-maps package in my Angular project to display a map with a search box for searching locations. When I search for a location, it i

Back click listener for Google Places Address Search (AutocompleteSupportFragment)

Is there a way to capture the back button click listener from Google Places Address Search (AutocompleteSupportFragment) val btnBackClick = autoc

how to draw some markers and make it different each other (flutter google map)

i have tried this to customize marker on flutter_google_maps and this to change widget into bytes, since we could change marker using bytes, not widget. i actua

The type initializer for 'Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.operations_research_constraint_solverPINVOKE' threw an exception

I have a google routing web service. it works in a local run project. but when I upload it on the host I get this error message: The type initializer for 'Goog

How to get polygon co-ordinates for a location searched on google maps. Maps API

I want to know if there is any way to get a city/suburb/postal code's outer boundary coordinates, so as to be able to draw a polygon on the map. I have read thr

Find in which polygon certain coordinate (latitude, longitude) lies with MongoDB?

Let's say 100 documents (so to say polygons) in a collection named Areas with this structure: { ...otherFields, commonName: "Butwal", area: { type: "

How can I test google.maps.Geocoder?

Hi! I'm attempting to write a "simple" test to check for a react class component state change. Specifically, I'm testing if the lat(latitude) and lng(longitu

how to know the markers information that are clustered on marker clustering in agm

I want to know about the marker information that are grouped under marker clustering in AGM google Maps. <agm-map #agmMap [latitude]="latitude" [longitude]="