Category "google-maps"

How to open google map links on apple map in wkwebview Swift?

I have an application and i am working with WKWebView. In WkWebView i have "get directions" links. When i press the "get directions" link, it must open a map. B

Control the Google maps flutter plugin cycling stack

We have a problem with the markers on the google maps flutter plugin. When we have multiple markers overlayed the click actions are, as Google Maps SDK explains

Jetpack compose Google Maps does not load properly when using bottom navigation

I have been stuck on this all day. I am using the official jetpack compose google maps composable. The map is displayed on one tab of my bottom navigation. I ha

How to use LocationRequest? Because direct constructor is not working nor .create()

I am trying to get current location in a map fragment but unable to do so because LocationRequest.create() is not wokring. Neither works: LocationRequest l = ne

Google Geocoding API : can't search by postal_code in South Korea?

I'm trying to localize my service in South Korea and facing an issue to make my postal_code address auto-complete working there. I'm just trying to do a simple

Placement of drawn map on Google Maps

On i have placed a drawn map of a city. The only way i can place it is by guessing the imagebounds which isn't very exact. Im initializ

BindCallback observable never get next value, while manual bind works

using google.maps.places.PlacesService and the getDetails query the method signature is (method) google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails( request: goo

How to load the correct KML according to location?

I have 15 kml files and I have a map from google map api, still I haven't found some way to put the correct kml from 15 kml files that I have according if the l

How to create an image from a widget in Flutter-web?

To display custom widgets on google maps google_maps_flutter I use a very convenient function that translates any Widget (including those containing images) int

agm-marker-cluster does not show markers after zoom

I have this section for clustering markers on a map with a custom cluster image: <agm-marker-cluster *ngFor="let item of clusters | keyvalue" imagePat

Google maps cross-platform URL fails to load route on Android after "in app navigation"

I have an Angular 9 + Ionic 5 application, deployed as PWA, Android and IOS apps. We use google's universal, cross-platform URL to launch Google Maps, as descri

how to pick an address from map in flutter

I want to create a widget that show google map with initial location, when user click on it it open google map with a marker and allow user to search or select

Markers not rendering using @react-google-maps/api

I'm relatively new to react world and particularly to using google maps. I'm using @react-google-maps/api and React version 18. I'm trying to display multiple l

Android: How to make Google Map Polyline smoother?

I'm using the latest Google Maps Android SDK: implementation '' This is my method for adding a Polyline to the

Android: How to make Google Map Polyline smoother?

I'm using the latest Google Maps Android SDK: implementation '' This is my method for adding a Polyline to the

extract all items in Google map search first page

I'm interested in Google map scrapping through Python and selenium. I want to scrap all the leads for a specific search. In the first page 20 leads are displaye

Unable to drag marker on google map in flutter

I'm using google_maps_flutter: ^0.5.24+1 plugin. I can't drag the marker inside map even though draggable property is set true. Whats wrong here? My code :

How to Add Google Map Places "textSearch()" api in React Native

I have a tourist App, and i have made a tab i.e ATM onPress it will display List of ATM's in nearby defined Radius. I have tried Different modules which availab

Why is the google maps places search not placing a marker when a location is found in my Angular project?

I am using the @angular/google-maps package in my Angular project to display a map with a search box for searching locations. When I search for a location, it i

Back click listener for Google Places Address Search (AutocompleteSupportFragment)

Is there a way to capture the back button click listener from Google Places Address Search (AutocompleteSupportFragment) val btnBackClick = autoc