Category "google-mlkit"

why google_ml_kit flutter library [Google ML kit vision] took large size while taking flutter ios / android build?

I'm just using it for text detection only. below code added in manifest file ,but no changes in the build right now ,still it takes too much size. How to solv

`new NativeEventEmitter()` requires a non-null argument

I am facing this problem: new NativeEventEmitter() requires a non-null argument I am working on Expo GO (version Expo: 45.0.0) on IOS. The problem is when I i

`new NativeEventEmitter()` requires a non-null argument

I am facing this problem: new NativeEventEmitter() requires a non-null argument I am working on Expo GO (version Expo: 45.0.0) on IOS. The problem is when I i

Save segmentation result of Selfie segmentation with ML Kit on Android as A Bitmap with transparent background

Save segmentation result of Selfie segmentation with ML Kit on Android as A Bitmap with transparent background I am following this tutorial and code for Selfie

Swift Package Manager (SPM) and Cocoapod Dependency Conflict

Overview I have two dependencies, one available as a Swift Package, and the other only available as a Cocoapod. The problem is that each has a dependency on a t