So there is a requirement to build tables and charts in google sheets with data in bigquery. The data can be brought in to google sheets using connected sheets.
I'm building a sheets with the following pages: Records Team Records Page: Date Time Where User Pay 01/01/2022 01:40 Warehouse Mike Silva 14,00$ 04/01/2022 07:
I have 2 sets of data that I want to do an outer join on (basically include all data from both sets, with empty cells where data is in one set but not the other
In sheet1 have a column with a list of IDs, each with a set of statuses: ID Apr May Jun 1 Load Load Complete 2 Load Complete NA 3 Load Load
In the previous Article, I asked you for help in calculating the percentages in a given range, now I need further help Link to the previous article how to find
Unfortunately I don't know how to source this and was wondering if someone could show me how. I am trying to learn hear so the correct answer is great, but the
Disclaimer: I am completely self-taught in google sheets I have a sheet with columns for Date, Place, Title, etc. I am attempting to count how many rows have al
I'm having trouble finding the formula for percentages I have to calculate the employee bonus e.g. on April 8, 2022, we have 90.13% of the standard developed, t
So I have created an invoice spreadsheet in Google Sheets and have used merged cells extensively in order to create a cleaner look for the invoice. Here is the
So I have created an invoice spreadsheet in Google Sheets and have used merged cells extensively in order to create a cleaner look for the invoice. Here is the
Website Link https://redacted xml options I have tried so far <span aria-labelledby="amount">722</span> //*[@id="amount"]/h3/span[2] /html/body/di
I'd like to know if there is a formula or a way in google sheets that : 1/ for each value "sku" and "princing" I have a dedicated set of "rows" that replicate t
Having a bit of trouble using importJSON for the first time in Google Sheets. My data is importing as truncated and I can't find any way to really filter things
Im having trouble importing data from my another sheet. Its quite big, has over 500 rows and to 100 columns. (I dont know if thats important but it has about 50
I would like to get the "3,776" price in this website. I copy the full xpath, but it returs #N/A =IMPORTXML("https://jp
I'm trying to get the sum of all items in column F:F when Column J:J = "Channel"and Column K:K = "Country" =DSUM(Sheet1!$A$1:$K$142,Sheet1!$F$2:$F$142,{{Sheet1
So I am having some issues with extracting the correct data to the "Battery Logs" Sheet from "FC" Sheet. I am trying to copy the data from the column range C2:D
I have created three google sheets wherein one google sheet is designed as the Masterfile for the data present on the two other google sheets. I was able to mer
I have used importhtml function for google sheets many times and successfully but sometimes I have had no luck in getting it to work. I am doi
How to check if a cell in google sheet contains $ (USD dollar) currency or Rs. (Pakistani Rupees) currency to calculate two different currencies total?