I'm an OpenCL newbie and I cannot return 64 bit values from the compiled kernel. What do I wrong? I have an Intel(R) HD Graphics 520 graphics card and I wanted
I'm an OpenCL newbie and I cannot return 64 bit values from the compiled kernel. What do I wrong? I have an Intel(R) HD Graphics 520 graphics card and I wanted
I'm an OpenCL newbie and I cannot return 64 bit values from the compiled kernel. What do I wrong? I have an Intel(R) HD Graphics 520 graphics card and I wanted
I'm an OpenCL newbie and I cannot return 64 bit values from the compiled kernel. What do I wrong? I have an Intel(R) HD Graphics 520 graphics card and I wanted
I'm an OpenCL newbie and I cannot return 64 bit values from the compiled kernel. What do I wrong? I have an Intel(R) HD Graphics 520 graphics card and I wanted
I'm an OpenCL newbie and I cannot return 64 bit values from the compiled kernel. What do I wrong? I have an Intel(R) HD Graphics 520 graphics card and I wanted
I'm an OpenCL newbie and I cannot return 64 bit values from the compiled kernel. What do I wrong? I have an Intel(R) HD Graphics 520 graphics card and I wanted
I'm an OpenCL newbie and I cannot return 64 bit values from the compiled kernel. What do I wrong? I have an Intel(R) HD Graphics 520 graphics card and I wanted
I'm an OpenCL newbie and I cannot return 64 bit values from the compiled kernel. What do I wrong? I have an Intel(R) HD Graphics 520 graphics card and I wanted
I'm an OpenCL newbie and I cannot return 64 bit values from the compiled kernel. What do I wrong? I have an Intel(R) HD Graphics 520 graphics card and I wanted
I'm an OpenCL newbie and I cannot return 64 bit values from the compiled kernel. What do I wrong? I have an Intel(R) HD Graphics 520 graphics card and I wanted
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I use tensorflow for image classification (20 classes) with convolutions. My dataset contains about 20000 train images and 5000 test images. Images (RGB) have 2
I am trying to run some example python3 code https://docs.databricks.com/applications/deep-learning/distributed-training/horovod-runner.html on databricks GPU c
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I'm using Vulkan for heavy GPU computations and in some kernels I'm applying subgroup arithmetic operations. In order to use this, I've included necessary exten
I read that this almost impossible right now to use the GPU under WSL2 (Ubuntu-20.04 distro), but NVidia has some tutorials using docker (my GPU is nVidia 960m)
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