Category "grafana"

How can I add a label to the cadvisor and node-exporter metrics?

My node-exporter metrics are something like: process_cpu_seconds_total{instance="",job="node_info"} process_cpu_seconds_total{instance="

How to calculate the instant rate of a gauge metric?

How can I calculate the per-second instant rate of increase of the time series in Prometheus or Grafana without using rate() or irate()? This drive function is

Airflow metrics with prometheus and grafana

any one knows how to send metrics from airflow to prometheus, I'm not finding much documents about it, I tried the airflow operator metrics on Grafana but it d

How to link to external sites in a grafana table

How do I create a column of cells that contains hyperlinks to external sites? I'm able to embed the text and pass it in via the data-feed, unfortunately grafana

Sum over time of 1d, limit to last 7d, counter as a value

Let's suppose I have metric purchases_total. It's a counter ( which constantly increases ). I would like to make a table in Grafana which: Shows the last 7 day

Grafana: combining two queries from two prometheus exporters

I have two exporters for feeding data into prometheus - the node exporter and the elasticsearch exporter. I'm trying to combine sources from both exporters into

Calculating Mbps in Prometheus from cumulative total

I have a metric in Prometheus called unifi_devices_wireless_received_bytes_total, it represents the cumulative total amount of bytes a wireless device has recei

Grafana Prometheus - query processing would load too many samples into memory in query execution

I'm trying to get my query to sum over intervals in grafana but I get this error: "query processing would load too many samples into memory in query execution"

Modelling Total Requests received per hour in Prometheus and Grafana

I am trying to chart total number of requests each hour with Grafana and Prometheus counters. So I have a counter which gets incremented at every request http_

PromQL: how to change null value to an arbitrary value?

I have situation where my metric is set to 0 by a program when everything works fine. I would like to treat null value as an error value (in my case 1). The eas

Need a working example of Grafana integrated with a custom API to display Node Graph

I am trying to generate a directed node graph using grafana (latest). I hardly see any tutorials anywhere. I can expose an api which reads JSON data from disk a

How do I setup Kubernetes CIFS Persistent Volume PV Permissions for Bitnami Postgres Helm Deployment?

I have a Kubernetes cluster that I am trying to deploy different Helm Charts, when charts have no persistence everything works great. When the Helm charts use p

Query for a cache hit rate graph with prometheus

I'm using Caffeine cache with Spring Boot application. All metrics are enabled, so I have them on Prometheus and Grafana. Based on cache_gets_total metric I w

Grafana alert when change between two data points is high

I have a Grafana graph with data coming in from Prometheus. I'm trying to get an alert set up so that if the change over one minute (or so, I'm flexible) is ov

count k8s cluster cpu/memory usage with prometheus

I want to count k8s cluster cpu/memory usage (not k8s pod usage) with prometheus, so that i can show in grafana. I use sum (container_memory_usage_bytes{id="/"

Grafana group series

I have postgres table with three variables: datetime, robot_id and energy_percent. Now at chart I have energy_percent and robot_id. How to group records from th

Prometheus - exclude 0 values from query result

I'm displaying Prometheus query on a Grafana table. That's the query (Counter metric): sum(increase(check_fail{app="monitor"}[20m])) by (reason) The result is

How to use Grafana dashboard variable in another variables regex?

I created a Grafana dashboard variable and tried to filter the values via the regex field. This works for static regex definition. I would now like to use anot

Grafana : unable to customize webhook with templates

I'm using Grafana v.8.3.4, with the unified alerting system enabled. I want to send a simple webhook-based alert. The alert fired correctly, but the body of the

Kubernetes node-exporter container is not working it shows this error message

Error: failed to start container "node-exporter": Error response from daemon: path /sys is mounted on /sys but it is not a shared or slave mount shows that mes