Category "graphics"

R plot doesn't shows on Mac but the same plot shows on Windows

Yesterday I bought a Mac (M1 processor) and today I installed R and R Studio. I tried to plot the same code in a Windows machine and my Mac, but the plot only s

Python raises error when I use commands inside a function when using multithreading

I'm trying to create a little game where when you type in 'inventory' it opens a little window to display your items. However it doesn't work and give me an err

Computing affine transformation between two sets of unpaired points

I have two sets of points, P and Q, where Q is a transformation of P (rotation, translation and scaling). The pairing of points is unknown. How would I go abo

Generate a GMM Dataset by using multivariate_normal from scipy.stats

How can I use from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal to generate data? In specific, I want to create a GMM data that contains 3 columns (features) and a la

what can you use in place of gdi/direct2d on linux and macos and which one of them do windows uses to draw its controls and window frames?

I am trying to learn computer graphics recently and i have a bunch of question mainly about api's -in windows there is gdi/direct2d what there is in macos and l

Android animation to draw alphabet

I am stuck at the animation part which is kinda tough for me, I need to draw this green sign like this. I tried this Github guide achieve my requirement but wit

how to do cube mapping of a static environment onto a complex model by directx11 and HLSL?

I am very new to Shaders and programming in direct 11(c++) and HLSL for shaders. However, I have been given a task to: Implement cube mapping of a static enviro

How to Overlap Panels in Swing?

I am attempting to have multiple JPanels that can "overlap", also allowing me to perform custom painting. For this I am using a MainPanel, which extends JLayere

Classifying cubic bezier curves according to Loop & Blinn 2005

I am trying flatten a bezier path (remove all intersections and replace with end points) as part of the implementation of the rendering algori

Linear graphics

I have a dataset in this way: maximum <- c(10) #for each time minim <- c(2) #for each time Quantity c(4, 2, 10, 2, 10, 6, 2) How can I structure my datas

Scaling tangent lines in a bezier curve

I am currently working on a project about Bezier curves and their properties. I am struggling to understand a concept. I can't seem to understand why you need a

Editable graphics in WPF

I am developing a WPF application that displays complex graphics to a window. I need these graphics to be highly dynamic, meaning that for instance lines can ap

non-file image types in GraphicsMagick

I recently discovered the existence in GraphicksMagick of image types that are not actual image files. For instance, here is an excerpt of a gm batch script I a

WebGL2: what is up with max elements indices/vertices?

I'm developing a web component using WebGL2 (and three.js) with OES_element_index_uint enabled. I'm drawing a geometry using indexed vertices and I'm seeing th

Finding inflection points of a set of points

I am working on something that can fit a set of Bezier curves through a set of points. I've been able to do this using the curve fitting method from Pomax. The

Vulkan right handed coordinate system become Left handed

Problem: Vulkan right handed coordinate system became left handed coordinate system after applying projection matrix. How can I make it consistent with Vulkan

Looping an entire p5js script

I was wondering if it is possible to run the following code on the p5js web editor or within VS code multiple times and change the parameters a, b, A, B, H from

Split an Image into different PictureBoxes

I have a Image with size 187x16 which contain 10 smaller Images in a row. I want split those Images into 10 different PictureBoxes. Original Image: Dim

terrain lighting issue Unity

I'm getting some weird effect on my terrain on iOS devices. In editor, it looks fine; on device it shows the light like the image below. The textures on the ter

How to automatically determine the background color of an RGBA image with highest contrast?

Background I have a bunch of RGBA images. Imagine icons, logos or similar images that I would like to display. These images can be of any color. Please also not