Category "graphql"

Setting Apollo client header dynamically is not working

I am trying to set the header of Apollo client dynamically according to official doc, but I am getting an error: TypeError: (0 , _apollo.default) is not a

How to refresh JWT token using Apollo and GraphQL

So we're creating a React-Native app using Apollo and GraphQL. I'm using JWT based authentication(when user logs in both an activeToken and refreshToken is crea

how to hot reload federation gateway in NestJS

Problem In a federated nest app, a gateway collects all the schemas from other services and form a complete graph. The question is, how to re-run the schema col

AWS Lamda Error: Parsing error: Unexpected token client

First-time Lambda user I'm trying to get an IOT device payload from IOT Core to a GraphQL endpoint by using an 'Act' with a Lambda function on IOT Core. I fou

I don't understand the GraphQL N+1 problem

I found this example of the GraphQL N+1 problem: Query # getting the top 100 reviews { top100Reviews { body author { name } } } Schema

How to redirect in Nuxtjs when the return query of Graphql is empty

I'm very new to Nuxtjs and javascript world. The Nuxtjs project I'm working on required fetching data from Backend (Strapi) using Graphql. The goal is to make a

I can't figure where is the problem with my graphql request

I'm getting bad request code every time i try to send data query in graphql, and I can't figure if the problem from the resolver or from the input, below is th

How to render svg files with Gatsby Image?

Currently in my project I have a folder with all my svg files, the query to get them from graphql is as follows: query AssetsPhotos { allFile(filter: {extensi

res.session undefined graphql apollo-server-express

I am having trouble with sessions. For some reason, the req.session is undefined even though I'm using the session middleware. I was trying to use redis but I c

How to process 301 redirects with Nuxt ServerMiddleware and Apollo GraphQL

I am currently building a Vue / Nuxt app coupled with a modified Saleor installation to sell products online. As we are migrating from an existing system we ne

'\' character is getting added when executing in graphql

Not able to figure out how i can get rid of '' character. I have tried few things but it didnt work out for me. I think postgressql changes json string like tha

Ambiguos "Error: NEXUS__UNKNOWN__TYPE was already defined and imported as a type" error in nexus graphql

I'm getting the following error when using nexus to define a graphql schema with apollo-server. Error: NEXUS__UNKNOWN__TYPE was already defined and imported as

how to get data from graphql server using react and react-apollo?

After about 6-8 hours trying, I'm resorting to help. All I want is to query my graphql server and the response data to be entered into my react component as pro

Creating Batch Operations with AWS Amplify [GraphQL, DataStore, AppSync]

I've currently been handling batch operations with a for loop, but obviously, this is not the best approach, especially as I'm adding an 'upload by CSV' option,

Shopify Inventory Not Update via Shopify GraphiQL App

I have checked the Shopify GraphQL API, and I have tried to update the product inventory on Shopify but when I execute the graphql API it says " Inventory quan

Get No. of approvals on a pull request using github's graphql api

I'm trying to get the number of approvals a pull request has received. I can get the number of reviews, but that includes all reviews whether approved, rejected

How can I set a session key from inside a GraphQL resolver in NestJS?

I'm discovering Nest.js and I want to setup a cookie based authentication system with GraphQL. I already installed express-session middleware, here is the conf

How to call a GraphQL query/mutation from an Express server backend?

My frontend is localhost:3000, and my GraphQL server is localhost:3333. I've used react-apollo to query/mutate in JSX land, but haven't made a query/mutation f

Union type result in graphql subscription

Is it possible to have a union result on a graphql subscription, specifically in AppSync? I tried the following in AppSync but got an error "The subscription h

WpGraphQL query returns null

I'm having this GraphQL query from headless Wordpress in Nexjs via WpGraphQl plugin: export const GET_POSTS_BY_CATEGORY_SLUG = gql` query GET_POSTS_BY_CATEGORY