Category "grpc-go"

grpc with mustEmbedUnimplemented*** method

Recently, grpc-go introduced the mustEmbedUnimplemented*** method. It is used for forward compatibility. In simple terms, I am unable to understand how it is he

Unable to connect to gRPC server in Kubernetes cluster, but can connect when I port-forward [Connection refused]

Been stuck on this error for the past few days! I have an HTTP server that is meant to connect with the gRPC server through the client. It works fine on my loca

How to get in OpenTelemetry otelgin middleware the traceid or full context to provide it to grpc clients?

Atm, I work on a bunch of distributed microservices in go which I want to trace. I have an "api-gateway" that works via REST and then calls the needed microserv

How can I get the client IP address and user-agent in Golang gRPC?

I set up a series of gRPC requests and responses which all work fine, but I'm stuck when I try to get the client IP address and user-agent who is calling my gRP

grpc.WithInsecure is deprecated: use insecure.NewCredentials() instead

Hey I'm trying make a small test client with Go and Grpc, opts := grpc.WithInsecure() cc, err := grpc.Dial("localhost:9950", opts) if err != nil {