Category "grpc-java"

how to make grpc proto "timestamp" change to Date input format?

I want to make timestamp to convert to Date but I was expecting to input Date format ,"NOT" seconds and nano. How do change it to date format input? @GrpcSer

Netty gRPC server on Android - channel not registered to an event loop

When running Netty gRPC server on Android I am getting the following exception java.lang.IllegalStateException: channel not registered to an event loop Depende

How to convert grpc java proto "timestamp" to date?

Error in request.getProductexpirationdate() since its not "Date" in proto thats specified as "timestamp". Entity class has a "Date" but proto has no "Date" only

How to use a gRPC interceptor to attach/update logging MDC in a Spring-Boot app

Problem I have a Spring-Boot application in which I am also starting a gRPC server/service. Both the servlet and gRPC code send requests to a common object to p

Upload image to java rest api from .net http client

I am student and on a assignment i was trying to send image from my blazor page to java rest api . As for the api it works perfectly as i tried it with postman

Calling grpc server from multi-threaded client

I have a client side code, which is multi-threaded, calling updateInfo rpc method to the grpc server to update the information(Eventually will updata data in SQ

keep grpc channel alive without activity

We have a system where clients open bi-directional grpc stream to ALB, which proxies to one of active server. So