Category "gunicorn"

Gunicorn + Flask + Docker python app hosted on Azure Container Instances returns SystemExit: 1

I deployed a web app on GPU enabled ACI (Azure Container Instance) using Gunicorn + Flask + Docker. This app runs a couple of pytorch models (one of them being

I am having issue with django web application deployment on ubuntu VPS. The issue is that the server do not give any response even on

While deploying the Django website everything goes right but when I run the command python runserver then the server starts successfully

Launching gunicorn instances a docker image, using docker run

In my dockerfile, for a Flask app, I have a set of commands that work as planned. The last line of my dockerfile is currently: ENTRYPOINT [ "/bin/bash", "-c" ]

How to run FastAPI app on multiple ports?

I have a FastAPI application that I am running on port 30000 using Uvicorn programmatically. Now I want to run the same application on port 8443 too. The same a

gunicorn.errors.HaltServer while deploying to google cloud run for a python application

Here is my dockerfile. I am trying to deploy this image to google cloud run using below two command 1. gcloud builds submit --tag

Gunicorn sends info message Handling signal: winch

Why does Gunicorn send info message Handling signal: winch when application is idle? There is no error, as the application continues to respond, but when it is

Gunicorn wont install to virtualenv

I have a Python Django project that I'm serving using Gunicorn. Gunicorn was installed inside my virtualenv, and was working fine. I set up an ftpd on my ser

Setting up gunicorn.service [Service] for Django app

Following the documentation and online tutorials on setting up my gunicorn.service results in ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'my-app' when I run sudo syst

digital ocean deployment error: 502 Bad Gateway

I had my site up and running, but the admin CSS was not loading, I am not sure what I did that the server did not agree, but now the entire site is down with a

How to run gunicorn inside python not as a command line?

I have a flask application. I run it in production with this command: python -m gunicorn -w 1 -b "" Instead, I want to ru

LibreTranslate library in python gives 500 Internal server error after running for times

I have setup libretranslate on my local system (ubuntu focal fossa) by following steps described by url and sca

Running django with ASGI?

I have a django app I using this [docker] ( for production deployment when I run the app using: gunicorn --l

How To Deploy an Update to Python Flask Application with Gunicorn and Nginx on Ubuntu 18.04

Python Flask / Gunicorn / Nginx newbie here. I followed this tutorial describing how to serve Flask Applications with Gunicorn and Nginx on Ubuntu 18.04. Everyt

Run multiple django project with nginx and gunicorn

I am using Ubuntu 18 servers and using nginx with gunicorn I follow Digitalocean tutorial for server setup. I successfully did for one project but now I need to

How do I setup files to run multiple flask (nginx, gunicorn) applications on one server? (specify separate ports)

After getting each application to run on their own you need to specify the port in the application, nginx and gunicorn/service files. I am using AWS with Centos

How to stop gunicorn properly

I'm starting gunicorn with the Django command python run_gunicorn. How can I stop gunicorn properly? Note: I have a semi-automated server deployment

gunicorn shows connection error [Errno 111]

Hi im building a Django app with docker, gunicorn and nginx and having serious issues calling a post request from the django view. my login function - with sch

Error H12 "Request timeout" on heroku for django application

I am getting the H12 "Request timeout" error when I am working with large data in a CSV file and when the data in the CSV file is less the app is working fine.

(13: Permission denied) while connecting to upstream:[nginx]

I am working with configuring Django project with Nginx and Gunicorn. While I am accessing my port gunicorn mysite.wsgi:application --bind= in Ng