I am stuck in a very odd situation related to Hbase design i would say. Hbase version >> Version 2.1.0-cdh6.2.1 So, the problem statement is, in Hbase, w
In my project, I have the current workflow: Kafka message => Spark Streaming/processing => Insert/Update to HBase and/or Phoenix Both the Insert and Updat
I have a requirement to store billions of records (with capacity up to one trillion records) in a database (total size is in terms of petabytes). The records ar
I am trying to set up distributed HBase on 3 nodes. I have already set up hadoop, YARN ZooKeeper and now HBase but when I launch hbase shell and run the simples
HBase Table rowkey: 2020-02-02^ghfgewr3434555, cf:1 timestamp=1604405829275, value=true rowkey: 2020-02-02^ghfgewr3434555, cf:2 timestamp=1604405829275, value=
I am new to Spark and BigData component - HBase, I am trying to write Python code in Pyspark and connect to HBase to read data from HBase. I'm using the followi
We have a setup where we have a Hbase cluster running on Google cloud and using Dataflow I want to write into Hbase tables. For this, I want to pass my hbase-si
I am trying to export HBase table(size-23TB) data to S3. So while using HBase export and passing S3 credentials via jceks path Command : hbase org.apache.hadoop
I have real-time time series sensor data. My primary goal is to keep the raw data. I should do this so that the cost of storage is minimal. My scenario like th
Here are the create table statements of the tables I'm testing, which was actually from Phoenix CREATE TABLE Test.Employee( Region VARCHAR NOT NULL, LocalI
I could sound naive asking this question but this is a problem that I have recently faced in my project. Need some better understanding on it. df.persist(Stora
I have one master and one regionserer running on one machine,now I want to add another region server to it. This new machine has all the connection config requ