Category "hbase"

Hbase | Hbase col qualifier hidden using Hbase shell cmds but visible via hbaserdd spark code

I am stuck in a very odd situation related to Hbase design i would say. Hbase version >> Version 2.1.0-cdh6.2.1 So, the problem statement is, in Hbase, w

Receive a Kafka message through Spark Streaming and delete Phoenix/HBase data

In my project, I have the current workflow: Kafka message => Spark Streaming/processing => Insert/Update to HBase and/or Phoenix Both the Insert and Updat

All else held equal, which is the faster querying option: Milvus, RocksDB, or Apache HBase

I have a requirement to store billions of records (with capacity up to one trillion records) in a database (total size is in terms of petabytes). The records ar

HBase Shell - org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.ServerNotRunningYetException: Server is not running yet

I am trying to set up distributed HBase on 3 nodes. I have already set up hadoop, YARN ZooKeeper and now HBase but when I launch hbase shell and run the simples

How to split HBase row key into 2 columns in Hive table

HBase Table rowkey: 2020-02-02^ghfgewr3434555, cf:1 timestamp=1604405829275, value=true rowkey: 2020-02-02^ghfgewr3434555, cf:2 timestamp=1604405829275, value=

py4j.protocol.Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling : java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/spark/Logging

I am new to Spark and BigData component - HBase, I am trying to write Python code in Pyspark and connect to HBase to read data from HBase. I'm using the followi

How to pass hbase-site.xml to Google Cloud Dataflow template

We have a setup where we have a Hbase cluster running on Google cloud and using Dataflow I want to write into Hbase tables. For this, I want to pass my hbase-si

HBase data export to S3

I am trying to export HBase table(size-23TB) data to S3. So while using HBase export and passing S3 credentials via jceks path Command : hbase org.apache.hadoop

How/Where can I write time series data? As Parquet format to Hadoop, or HBase, Cassandra?

I have real-time time series sensor data. My primary goal is to keep the raw data. I should do this so that the cost of storage is minimal. My scenario like th

Apache Phoenix Join Fails (Encountered exception in sub plan [0] execution)

Here are the create table statements of the tables I'm testing, which was actually from Phoenix CREATE TABLE Test.Employee( Region VARCHAR NOT NULL, LocalI

Why does persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK) give different results than cache() with HBase?

I could sound naive asking this question but this is a problem that I have recently faced in my project. Need some better understanding on it. df.persist(Stora

Hbase master not able to start regionserver

I have one master and one regionserer running on one machine,now I want to add another region server to it. This new machine has all the connection config requ