Category "hdf5"

How can I transform a hdf5 file into a text file?

have been trying to read an .hdf5 file so that I can plot some of the data, to do so I thought I would take the data in the .hdf5 file and process it into a .tx

Julia on M1: libhd5f not defined

I am encountering a bug in Julia v1.7.2. I am trying to include a util.jl file that uses a Module. Everything in that module works fine (I have put into a Pluto

"undefined reference" error when trying to compile a fortran program with external dependencies using ifort

I am using the following command to compile my fortran program, which is the last line of the result of the hdf5 h5fc command on my Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS x86_64 ma

FileNotFoundError when reading .h5 file from S3 in python using Pandas

For some reason, when I attempt to read a hdf file from S3 using the pandas.read_hdf() method, I get a FileNotFoundError when I put an s3 url. The file definite

Extracting member names from HDF5 compound datasets with h5py

I am trying to extract compound datasets from multiple .hd5 files. Initially, I used HD5View 2.9, which lets you open up datasets as tables and save them as .tx

What is the block size in HDF5?

Quoting from the HDF5 Hyperslab doc -: The block array determines the size of the element block selected from the dataspace. The example shows in a 2x2 datase

Best way to store many pandas dataframes in a single file

I have 20,000 ~1000-row dataframes, each of which has a name, in a 170GB pickle file at the moment. I'd like to write these to a file these so I can load them i

HDF5: How to read an array from a dataset

I have never seen this before, but I have a file with a 1x1 dataset where the only value is a Array[3] of 64-bit floating point. I can see this using the HDFVie

Load HDF5 in Excel?

Is there a way to load/import an HDF5 file (sometimes called H5, HD5, or Hierarchical Data Format) in to Excel? I do not want to export an intermediary CSV fi

Convert large csv to hdf5

I have a 100M line csv file (actually many separate csv files) totaling 84GB. I need to convert it to a HDF5 file with a single float dataset. I used h5py in te

How to read hdf5 file in javascript inside browser

I have hdf5 file created using c++ application.i want to read the same hdf5 file inside browser using javascript. Hdf5 file will be download from server using

how to write data to a h5py dataset

I'm going crazy here - for some reason, I can't find out how to change a dataset in h5py. I first create a file: i = h.File('C:\\Users\Bob\Desktop\blob.h5','w'