Category "heroku-postgres"

Rails/Heroku, switching between databases multiple times yields "can't create Thread: Resource temporarily unavailable" error

Setup: Ruby 2.5.9, Rails 5.2.2, Heroku-18, Postgres Issue: I'm running a task on my Heroku staging database which compares data from two different databases (bo

Error: trying to push Table SQLAlchemy models to my production heroku-server using Alembic

I am trying to push my SQLAlchemy-models to create Tables in my heroku-postgres-database. I use this command: heroku run alembic upgrade head It starts to Run

Prisma Schema not updating properly after adding new fields

As the title states, I am using Prisma 2 in a Next JS app. I have a very simple schema: model User { id Int @id @default(autoincrement())

How to download only specific tables from heroku PorstgreSQL backups?

There is a way to exclude tables using heroku pg:pull (--exclude-table-data). But how about backups if I need to get some data from the past? heroku pg:backup

Using heroku pg:backups:restore to Import to Heroku Postgres

I am trying to copy a local PostgreSQL database to Heroku per this article. Here is what I have done: 1. Make a dump file pg_dump -Fc --no-acl --no-owner -h loc

Using heroku pg:backups:restore to Import to Heroku Postgres

I am trying to copy a local PostgreSQL database to Heroku per this article. Here is what I have done: 1. Make a dump file pg_dump -Fc --no-acl --no-owner -h loc

How I can access postgres log_connections logs

I see that log_connections enabled by default on Heroku PostgreSQL instance, but how I can get this log?

Accessing heroku private space database over AWS VPC peering connection

I've successfully setup VPC peering from my AWS VPC to my heroku private space, and configured the routing from the VPC for the heroku private space CIDR. Howev