Category "heroku"

(MERN App) All API calls returning 504 (Gateway Timeout) on Heroku deploy yet working fine locally

I have built a MERN stack app which has a few different API calls. It works as expected locally however it returns 504 (Gateway Timeout) for all the API calls w

PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: relation "entries" does not exist

I'm trying to deploy a simple Rails app in heroku but I'm getting this message in the heroku logs: PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: relation "entries" does not exist

ERROR: Could not build wheels for backports.zoneinfo, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects

The Heroku Build is returning this error when I'm trying to deploy a Django application for the past few days. The Django Code and File Structure are the same a

Heroku Slug Size too large - nodejs

This is my first heroku app... and I see that my heroku slug size is 296MB... getting uncomfortably close to the fast 300MB boot time. This is a puppeteer app w

Heroku/Github set up connection issue?

I am doing an exercise where I've a forked repository, and started a heroku account, did "create a new app" and "deploy with github" but when I go to connect t

How to upload and use images on heroku django

so i make this app in which you can make products. And those products have an image that was saved in a file while i was using this app localy. I deployed my ap

Geopy Nominatim broke Heroku deploy

I deploy my telegram bot on Heroku and I use pyTelegramBotapi and geopy. The last time I deploy, it was 10 days ago, all was working fine but today when I start

Redis Connection Error with Heroku Redis Instance: Redis connection to failed - read ECONNRESET heroku instance

I have a node js app. And I use Redis from Heroku Redis(with async-redis library). Actually, I have two different Heroku accounts and two different Node.js apps

White blank page when I deploy my (React.js & Django) app to Heroku

I'm beginner and the project works perfectly locally , but when I deploy on Heroku I get a blank page. I also connected my Heroku to GitHub and and I made a bui

Heroku / Redis Connection error on Python/Django Project

I'm trying to set up django so it send automatic email when a certain date in my models i reached. However i setup a Heroku-Redis server and am trying to connec

Google Calendar API authorization working on localhost but not on Heroku

I want to use the Google Calendar API for my Django application. I have followed the instructions here:

how to deploy frontend(React.js) and backend(Node.js) in a single Heroku app

I have a parent folder named "app" and it has 2 children folders, "frontend" "backend" obviously both have different package.json files. In order to deploy it t

docker container users/groups: can you actually create and use them in heroku?

I know the official Heroku guidance is "don't use privileged users/groups in docker containers", but what I wonder is, can you even create and use your OWN user

Macos - Heroku error code H=10 (Twitter Sales Bot)

I'm facing the problem showing below on HEROKU. I'm using this GitHub Program ( and deployed it 1:1 in He

Heroku stuck on "State changed from starting to up"

Today my discord bot went offline, when I restarted the dyno's. The logs showed progress until it got stuck on "State changed from starting to up" Anyone have a

H14 in heroku web

Hello I was just trying to use web and worker based bot I mean something like with # telegram bot from pyrogram import Client,filters Bot = Client(api_i

RuntimeError: __class__ not set defining 'AbstractBaseUser'

Django app works fine local, but when pushed to heroku build works, but deploy fails: RuntimeError: __class__ not set defining 'AbstractBaseUser' as <class '

Header x-rapidapi-proxy-secret not forwarded by Heroku

I wrote and API with RapidAPI and deployed it on Heroku. I then listed the API on RapidAPI marketplace which uses a x-rapidapi-proxy-secret header to help me ma

heroku pygame.error:Failed loading

Help people, I have a project created with flask and this is running in heroku, the problem is when a try to use pygame, this return an error: pygame.error: Fai

How to push heroku app with hyper ? getting error

I tried these commands: error: src refspec main does not match any error: failed to push some refs to '' Where did