I`m DONT use EJB/Spring etc. Only Jpa + Servlet. I`m trying to create public abstract class AbstractEntityManagerFactory { private static final EntityManagerFac
We are using Hikari Connection pool to connect to Oracle on Azure. We tried increasing the timeout value to 12000000 after consecutive connection time out error
I set two parameters to disable auto commit by False but save operation on entity without transaction was committed. spring.datasource.hikari.auto-commit=false
I'm deploying Spring-Boot4 project and I have got an error called HikariPool-1 - Exception during pool initialization. 2019-07-05 11:29:43.600 INFO 5084 --- [
I am creating a spring boot app which has multiple data sources (7 in total) and whilst properties like dbUrl, username and password are data source specific, a
Hell, Is there any that I can get the HkariCP connection pool metric information such as total connections, idle connections and so on? I know HikariPool log
After starting my SpringBoot application, getting an exception on few minutes of the server startup. Did not use any HikariPool Configuration externally, Spring
I want to configure the Hikari pool to eagerly initialize on application startup and not when first query is issued. As of now spring initializr project shows