Category "hook"

Post-commit-hook in Subversion doesn't work as I want

i came across a problem with subversion at my work. I want to create a post-commit-hook (post-commit.bat file) command that creates information about the last t

React native - Error: Hooks can only be called inside of a function component

I have the following problem in my component "SubmitButton" I want to execute a custom hook by clicking on the button. This hook is called "useLogin". But curre

(.Net )API Hooking: Why my implemented IEnumWbemClassObject->Next() hang at original Next

I want to hook native code to do some cool things: var wql=new WqlObjectQuery(queryString); using(var searcher =new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope,wql)) { usi

Property does not exist on type void

I am writing a hook to make a post request that returns two properties, sessionId and sessionData. I am using this hook in a component. My hook looks like this.

useSelector of React Redux don't update state of store on expo react-native

I made the same model on the web and it worked, I tried to use shallowEqual of Redux as second parameter of useSelector function, also the _.isEqual of lodash

Serenity BDD Hooks implementation returns error

I am trying to implement some hooks into the serenity BDD implementation with intellij. My hooks file looks like this: package steps; import org.openqa.seleniu

Git pre-commit hooks only for a specific subfolder?

I currently have a single repo with two projects, each in their own subfolder: one in C# and one in Javascript. I want to have a pre-commit hook that will run j

How to hook into a method with int[] using xposed?

I am trying to hook into this method in NotificationManagerService using Xposed: void enqueueNotificationInternal(final String pkg, final String opPkg, final i

Microsoft UI Automation/Get The Item That The User Clicks

I am trying to figure out what item (for example document, web page tab, window, picture, folder) the user has clicked on. I started by using the following code

How to set dynamic `home` and `siteurl` in WordPress?

I config the multi-language setting dynamically using the locale filter. Which fetch the sub-domain name to determine the language. function load_custom_langua