Category "hotwire-rails"

Rails Turbo doesn't trigger turbo:load event

The turbo:load event is not fired after a turbo visit (as the documentation says it should). It works as expected after the initial full-page load. I can catch

Rails: turbo-frame with src requested interpreted as format.html

I've noticed this strange behavior of turbo frames loading lazily via src attribute setting: nav = turbo_frame_tag 'primary_menu', src: primary_menu_path :

Best practices for handling UIState in StimulusJS

Just starting off with StimulusJS and trying to follow best practices. As I come from VueJs/Nuxt, state management and communication between components is quite

Turbo Drive not intercepting links (but turbo:load event fires)

I'm experimenting with adding Turbo to a Rails 6.1 app. It seems to be loading (see "What I've tried"), but when clicking around the clicks does not seem to be

Adding a Stimulus click action to a Turbo link?

I am doing an inline editing feature on the show page with the 'Edit' button above the frame that loads with turbo. Trying to add a toggle on the edit button t

Render inside turbo_stream template tag

Why rendering partial inside <template> tags of stream.erb file raises ActionView::MissingTemplate error? For example in some_action_in_controller.turbo_s