Category "html"

Flask app can't load CSS file from static folder

So my file directory looks like this: /templates --base.html /static --/css ----base.css In the of my base.html file I have this line: <link rel="styleshee

Make browser back button show login page without error div

I have a Login jsp that takes user email and sends it to servlet. If the email is not in database, the servlet redirects back to Login.jsp with an attribute "er

Icons showing as garbage symbols on refresh of page

I am using some custom icons in my application, as show below. However when I refresh the page, or sometimes on some other action, the icons change to these ga

Best way to protect sensitive information copying in HTML?

The company I work for has a requirement to protect some area where articles are rendered, I've implemented some procedures to protect web-scraping but the prob

how to make one part of a flex div not follow align-items center?

So I got a navbar, and whilst working on mobile responsiveness when I open the mobile menu, the logo moves down with the list towards the center. How can I prev

Firefox alt text appears while loading image

On Firefox if you refresh a page you'll see the alt text appearing while an image is loading. You can see it just on this Mozilla page (check the first image).

Spotify Embed code (iframe) won't work in Markdown

Using React-Markdown on Next.JS, the post pages are stored as Markdown files, but for some reason the Markdown file won't render the iFrame. However if I use a

I want to break table neatly but footer is hiding the text and it is not displaying in the next page also

I'm trying to display footer at end of every page and table is breaking and it's not continued to the next page. Help me how to continue the data to next page a

Matching Cards -Cards don't show correctly

I want to create a matching card game in JavaScript. Firstly,i just want to generate 12 random cards into the body. When I press Start Game,the container is f

how to add dots(ellipses) in between the pagination numbers in jquery

I have a pre-generated html for the pagination numbers , which basically comes from the backend CMS based on the number of items present the html looks somethin

Flask application displaying list of items from SQL database as text

I am trying to display a list of my items from the database in my flask application. Unfortunately, the list elements are placed into the HTML as text, instead

Input field validation in React Js?

I am having a variable (in real app it is api) called data which contains value as nested items. From the level 1 it has title which is displayed already then

Is there a simple way to build an HTML5 Canvas from an already existing SVG? I tried using a converter, but it doesn't resemble the original at all

I'd also like to use JavaScript to manipulate the rotation of certain layers inside the SVG. I use Inkscape, but when I save it as "Canvas - HTML", the transpar

Using A fetch() GET Request After A fetch() POST Request Has Been Submitted To Output Database Data Without A Hard Page Refresh

I have a form that submits data with the javascript fetch() API to MySQL database with PHP. In the code below, when the form is submitted a success message is o

How to print html code tags in a specific element?

<div class="container"> <pre> <code class="language-html"> <h1>I want to display html tag</h1> <

Need assist with CSS grid layout of cards

I have this grid over here: and i want the first big card to take the whole height of the wrapper and remain the same width, while the bottom two cards go to t

Polite ARIA live region for a game with high rate of messages

I'm running a little game on the web. In order for it to be optimally screen reader accessible, incoming messages, which can be about in-game actions or user te

I am trying to create a rect element within a svg element, but its not working

Why is the red rectangle not appearing when I run the function createRect(). Any help would be much appreciated. function createRect() { var rec = doc

Open source html and css

Is HTML or CSS open source like PHP or Python? For example PHP itself: PHP source link in GITHUB

I have two html files with the same background image. When I display them side to side, I need them to have a common background image

When I want to display the HTML's side by side, I am using UI regions to specify left half to display one html and right half to display the second html. But si