Category "html"

jsp encoding display issue

I am finding a issue where the data is encoded properly in the controller and compiled jsp, but is not displaying properly within an alert statement (or on the

html page cant be opened in raspberry Pi

I'm making my first HTML page I have tried to do it on my computer and it loaded very fine, but when I do the same steps in my PI the HTML page won't load (i tr

In what way can we compile our scss or sass file to the css file?

I am learning about sass and I am wondering how we should give a link in our CSS stylesheet. I know sass files are stored differently but should we address it l

Best practice for navigation bars on modern websites

so I've been really struggling to find a good answer for this question... I have many html pages and one navigation bar. I want to include the navigation bar on

ngbDatepicker set current month and year dropdown

In my Angular application, I used a datepicker called ngbDatePicker. It seems that it has a bug because the default selected month and year dropdowns is not cor

How to show selected value using javascript in laravel

i want to show the selected value to the select option, the value actually selected but cannot show that value on select option form. for example i have a 3 val

Empty spaces added around HTML text when using Angular interpolation

Any idea why an empty space is added before text in HTML when using interpolation in Angular? Exemple in my Angular HTML template: <div class="info-title">

How to implement ScrollMagic videos to start on iPhone

I built my website which has 3 videos with scrollmagic. It works perfectly on pc, android, and iPad (in Safari too). But these videos does not start on my iPhon

How not to overlay drawer from layout in quasar framework

I am creating a website to learn to handle better with vue. I comment on my problem: It turns out that I have a general layout, in which I have a header, a draw

how to redirect ip:port to ip:port/html?

So I have this VScode folder that I run onto live server extension. However, whenever I open this ip:port, I always see my other code that is used in the html f

get value form array field name

<td> <input type="text" id="percent[]" name="percent[]" class="form-control"/> </td> How to get value input field like above in Jquery?

Using Tailwind3 in Flask application without manually (re-)generating css

I'm currently trying to set up a flask project using tailwindcss 3.0.23. For templating I'm using jinja. Furthermore yarn is used. During previous projects when

Open A New Page After Form Validation JavaScript

I want to open a new page after i validated my form.There is no problem with validating it .But my form never submits ,and the html page i want to redirect to m

Pie chart breaks if one slice is bigger than half the pie

I wrote some JavaScript code to generate Pie Charts for me, but when one Slice is bigger than half, the whole thing breaks. Using clip to make half-circles, it

Change height of navbar button and change it from (:selected) to (:hover)

My navbar functions in a :selected way, which means the dropdown menu only shows when the button is selected. I would like to change it to hover instead, but wh

download attribute on <a> not working (NOT cross-domain)

Observe the following code: let cv = document.createElement('canvas'); cv.toBlob(blob => { let a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = URL.createO

html Button on top of link

Hey I have a div which is wrapped by a Link component, and inside that div I have more buttons, but the problem is, when I click on the inner smaller buttons, I

how to choose folder with html input file

I want to choose only folders when I'm clicking browse button. In my project I'm using IE for some reasons. I searched some forums but I didn't find any useful

How to set a particles background on nextjs?

I would like to set a particles background only on one page of my web application. I used the following code: import styles from "../styles/Page.module.css"; im

How do I prevent my web page from being resized smaller than a certain size?

Basically, I don't want the layout and formatting on my page to become nonsensical if the user resizes the browser to a really small size. After a certain limi