Category "http-status-code-500"

How add CORS to IIS web.config

I am trying to run my web site on IIS. it is a web map and i use another service from another server and i get CORS error: The 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' hea

Why Jenkins returning http 500 while adding git repository?

I am trying to add a git repository in a freestyle job. However after adding the repository, seeing the error described in the snip provided.

Azure api management returns status 500 after enabling "assignment required" on Azure function Enterprise application properties

I have an application where I need both access via APIM as well as directly to the API via Azure AD authentication. After enabling the Assignment required toggl

REST API How to generate a 500 Error status when using a Postman Request

I need to test the 500 'internal server error' but Need to test this new API with calls from postman. Does anyone know how to make a call that will trigger it?