Category "httprequest"

C# REST API File Upload from Client Code gets 400 Bad Request

I have a Rest API written in .Net core that accepts a File as input as Multipart/Form-data. The API works absolutely fine when I run it from Swagger/Postman. He

Why the HTTP Request return that the response is not in JSON format?

I built a flow that will generate an SSRS report as PDF dynamically from Dynamics by following this amazing article: D365 Reports as PDF using Power Automate Af

I am trying to understand what exactly is signature query parameter in binance

I am trying to access this endpoint, where signature parameter has to be sent as query parameter

Add Integer Data Type in Multipart Form Content C# MVC

using (var multipartFormContent = new MultipartFormDataContent()) { HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(); multipartFormContent.Add(

How to make a httpsrequest 'Get' in apex and then update a record in Salesforce

Overview: We have a third party what hosts a text value at a given endpoint. Using a 'Get' request to a url where we also pass a key and parameters returns a

How to achieve flow like this

I'd like to get flow like this one on the picture. Is there any way to intercept all HTTP request within a docker container, modify their headers and then send

What is the best practice using KQL to filter desired attack signature over (web)logs?

Recently I'm experimenting with logstach and Kibana on top of elastic over (web-)server logs. I tried to extract some attack signature like XSS & SQL inject

Owin: Exception: System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'System.Net.HttpListenerRequest'

I got lot of below logs like below, any one knows the root cause about this? Does this related with below code: // Gets the client IP when hosted in IIS, where

Locust IO failures 'BadStatusCode' meaning

I'm using locust to load test APIs, but every time I'm testing API which need parameter other than authorization to be inputted like this: It always fail at 10

how to send readstream as response

when i try to send read stream as response i am getting error var http = require('http'), fileSystem = require('fs'), path = require('path'

Retrieving Page from Spotify URL in Node.js Now Results in 406 Not Acceptable Error

Using the following code in an async function and with the got library: var { body: html, url } = await got('

Python Bottle: Can't connect to server or debug it

When I'm trying to run a server in this example I can see that it runs on the correct port. However, it is not possible to reach it externally (internal server

HTTP status code 401 even though I’m sending credentials in the request

Recently i have introduced JWT authentication to my Springboot and Angualr2 based App. In There i tried to do a POST request by passing the JWT token as below i

HTTP status code 401 even though I’m sending credentials in the request

Recently i have introduced JWT authentication to my Springboot and Angualr2 based App. In There i tried to do a POST request by passing the JWT token as below i

`servletRequest cannot be null` -> SpringBoot - WebClient - GET request with Keycloak

I'm trying to make GET request between two microservices (with Keycloak authentication). Let's say microservice A is asking microservice B for some resources. M

Http delete request to Google Directory API returning 412 Precondition is not met: location If-Match

I have been using Postman to send http requests to Google's Directory API. The GET request works fine (which shows that the admin token as well works fine) to g

How to share variables between HTTP requests in FastAPI?

I wonder how can I share the value of variables between HTTP requests in FastAPI. For instance, I have a POST request in which I get some audio files and then I

send HTTP POST request in .net

How can I make an HTTP POST request and send data in the body ?