Category "https"

HTTPS Request returns getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND

I am attempting to make an HTTPS POST request to the endpoint. Documentation can be found here:

wildcard certificate support using Autocert (golang)

implementing a https go server with wildcard certificate support. package main import ( "crypto/tls" "log" "net/http" "

Nginx: [emerg] cannot load certificate after I deleted the certificate

I generated an SSL certificate on one of my subdomains. I then tried to delete/revoke the certificate using the command certbot delete. A little terminal menu p

Godaddy URL redirect from HTTP to HTTPS

I host my website on heroku and bought the domain from godaddy, here's how I set my DNS records Records A - @ - Forwaded - 600 secs CNAME - www -

React Native Axios get response Skipped and Status Code 0

I got a problem with my react native app. while accessing API, I get a response Skipped and status code 0. it's shown by using reactotron to log the api respons

Problem installing SSL Certificade in Go Lang with Echo framework (Client sent an HTTP request to an HTTPS server.)

I have build a Go server using Echo framework, i get TLS certificades and a domain name, but when i try a request i get the message "Client sent an HTTP request

What can be the reason for 'config.force_ssl = false' in rails app?

I found that config.force_ssl = false in config/application.rb, and nowhere it is defined as true, though the domain have SSL certificate. will there be any spe

Flutter HTTPS Handshake error in client (OS Error: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED: ok(

A colleague has given me a Flutter project to try to build the app in iOS (I use a Mac, we both use Android Studio). Everything is ok except for this error:

HTTPS Request : CORS error but I still get data

I'm making HTTPS request to a private API (hosted Itop), I get an response but I get CORS Multiple Origin Not Allow error so my JavaScript program can't use the

RPC Error - valid string HTTPs rpc in Metamask

In my project, I tried to connect with metamask on Ganache. But I got the error like the following. inpage.js:1 MetaMask - RPC Error: Expected an array with at

Apache 2 - AH02311: Fatal error initialising mod_ssl

I'm trying to set up a Godaddy SSL certificate on a DigitalOcean droplet running Ubuntu with Apache 2. After I've configured the certificates correctly (to the

Redirect http to https in Django (using sslserver)

I have a django project working with HTTPS using django sslserver.I want http to be redirected to https. I tried adding SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT = True which does no

Adding SSL certificates to Docker linux container

Expected behavior Being able to make HTTPs calls from within the container Actual behavior System.InvalidOperationException: IDX10803: Unable to obtain config

how to set https proxy in cxf client ?

I am using below code for my webservice client : HelloService hello = new HelloService(); HelloPortType helloPort = cliente.getHelloPort(); org.apache.cxf.end

How to use Stripe's secret key and publishable key?

I would like to connect with the Stripe API using a https call using the https library. var https = require('https'); I have gotten the secret key and publis

Is there a way to update the TLS certificates in a net/http server without any downtime?

I have a simple https server serving a simple page like so (no error handling for brevity): package main import ( "crypto/tls" "fmt" "net/http" )

Subresource integrity for images and other media?

Subresource integrity seems to be an awesome stopgap allowing to use third-party controlled HTTP-served resources in a secure way. However the spec considers HT

How to open https in iframe from http page?

I have main page which opens via http. On this page I open iframe with same domain but via https and get error message: Blocked a frame with origin "https:/

Google App Engine SSL error "DNS records could not be found" even though custom domain is working

I pointed a new custom domain to a Google App Engine Standard Environment project and edited the DNS records per Google's instructions, and it seems to be redir

Login and getting session id of the logged using Https connection in java

I am trying to login to a website using the https requests and then capture the session id. I need this session id inorder to delete some tags in the web applic