Category "hyperledger"

Issue connecting my lambda function to Amazon managed blockchain

I am failing with a DNS 14 message when trying to call a lambda function to invoke chaincode on my Amazon Managed Hyperledger Blockchain. ERROR Failed proposa

why does this error occured in hyperledger Fabric 2.2 ,could not validate identity's OUs: certifiersIdentifier does not match?

When I try to up the network,using docker-compose, peer exited with the below mentioned message. panic: Failed putting our own identity into the identity mapper

Hyperledger Fabric cryptogen and configtxgen not working

I am trying to create the "crypto matrial" of my hyperledger fabric network using the cryptogen command line but I get "command not found" as result My command

Hyperledger Fabric cryptogen and configtxgen not working

I am trying to create the "crypto matrial" of my hyperledger fabric network using the cryptogen command line but I get "command not found" as result My command

Error: endorsement failure during invoke. response: status:500 message:"error in simulation:

I'm using hyperledger fabric 2.0. I have two orgs. ORGA and ORGB. I'm using "test-network" of fabric-samples repository as my network. I have edited javascript

Can we change the spec.yaml in minifabric to install our own chaincode during default installation

On doing minifab up command can we specify the chaincode installed default (simple) to our own chaincode , by changing the configurations in the spec.yaml ???

Creating an organization on Hyperledger Grid gives me this Error

As I mentioned on the title, I would like to create an organization on Hyperledger Grid, basically I'm running on Splinter not a sawtooth, So after fllowing the

Hyperledger Fabric 2.x and Explorer connection

I run the hyperledger fabric test-network from documentation but How can I integrate hyperledger explorer with it. In documentation of hyperldger fabric there i

Error from server (NotFound): pods "$(kubectl" not found

In the minikube hyper-v machine I did deployment of sawtooth-0, using sawtooth config file. Now when I am checking running pods it seems to have some default o

Performance metrics on Amazon Managed Blockchain

I have setup Amazon Managed Blockchain using Hyperledger fabric. I am trying to send some transactions to the blockchain. How can I view performance for the b

Why endorser_proposals_recieved (Hyperledger fabric peer-metric) is giving different values at different peers?

We are using Hyperledger fabric 2.2.3 with 3 organizations 2 peers each, a total 6 endorsing peers,3 orderers, and using the Prometheus tool for monitoring. usi

Does Hyperledger Fabric use a Merkle tree for the block data hash?

I found multiple sources that are not precise enough for me to be sure. They seemingly disagree ever so slightly. I need to know that, because I would like to p

What is the difference between Amazon managed Blockchain and Amazon Blockchain Templates?

I am a beginner in Blockchain and cloud and trying to setup a a hyperledger fabric environment on cloud, because I was facing some issues installing it in my pc

AWS hyperledger fabric services is it available for Mumbai, India location

AWS is supporting the blockchain hyperledger fabric technology services. But my question is it available for Mumbai, India location?

Can I run a Hyperledger Fabric network without orderer org?

I want to create a fabric network who contains three org: org1, org2, org3. And each org includes two type service: peer1 as peer service, orderer1 as orderer s

Hyperledger channel creation on orderer Error

I am getting an error while creating the channel on orderer (up and running). I have created the crypto artifacts as well as channel artifacts but while creatin