Category "ibm-mq"

Retaining message id between 2 MQ brokers using spring integration

I am using a message worfklow made of of message-driven-channel-adapter => channel => outbound-channel-adapter. Its purpose is to transport messages from

connect to ibmmq explorer

How to connect to message queue manager which is present inside MQ explorer? Can we use .net classes and amqmdnet.dll for connectivity? If not ow to co

IBM MQ Console URL

https://localhost:9443/ibmmq/console/login.html this url is not working this is my mq web status dspmqweb status MQWB1124I: Server 'mqweb' is running. URLS:

Docker : Unable to access the IBM MQ web management console

I followed the article - and deployed the container using the below commands in my windows laptop using docker fo

multiple Spring integration task executors picking up same message from JMS queue

I am using spring integration to process multiple files from a queue. Following is my configuration: <si-jms:message-driven-channel-adapter id="someReg

High CPU usage from the Spring DefaultMessageListenerContainer Thread

I have a application which uses Spring DefaultMessageListenerContainer and IBM mq as the message broker, after running application for certain time, the cpu usa

Can i use Azure Migrate tool to migrate IBM MQ from on-premise to azure cloud

We plan to migrate our on-premise MQ servers hosted in VMware servers to azure VM. Can I use the Azure Migrate tool to migrate IBM MQ from on-premise to Azure c

Azure Function IBM MQ Setup with pfx Certificate

I am having a connection problem when I am trying to set up a connection to a IBM MQ V6 QueueManager and a .net client using IBM.XMS namespace in Azure Function

IBMMQDotnetClient vs IBMXMSDotnetClient

I am working on a project, which needs to connect to IBM MQ using c#, and considering which NuGet package is the best one. However, there are 2 NuGet packages I

MQ: What happens if a message rollback FAILED?

I use IBM.XMS ( to get the message from the queue from my .NET application. Under the session, I get the message from the queue then insert into the dat

How can I connect to IBM MQ via the AMQP API in .Net Core

I am using "AMQPNetLite.Core" to connect to the IBM MQ server. However, when I try to new the connection there is an OperationCanceledException thrown. Address

How to modify spring-websocket to interface with broker via MQTT instead of STOMP?

I'm building a spring-websocket application that currently uses RabbitMQ as a message broker via the STOMP protocol. The rest of our organization mostly uses IB

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/ibm/mq/MQException

This is similar to the earlier question Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/ibm/mq/MQException I am facing a similar iss

JMSCMQ0001: IBM MQ call failed with compcode '2' ('MQCC_FAILED') reason '2400' ('MQRC_UNSUPPORTED_CIPHER_SUITE')

I am getting the following exception while trying to make a connection with remote MQ from my Java client on my local machine: JMSCM

Use WebSphere MQ as the messaging layer for Springboot applications

I need to use WebSphere MQ as the messaging layer for my Springboot apps. Using RabbitMQ, Kafka or activeMQ is straight forward with Springboot and there are to

IBM-MQ: Configuring mutual TLS authentication between client and queue manager

I'm trying to set up TLS mutual authentication between client and IBM-MQ queue manager (using the ibmcom/mq Docker image). The certificates are self-signed and

IBM MQ Issue: JMSMQ1113 The destination does not have a name set

In a spring JMS project, I try to connect to an IBM MQ QUEUE placed in a remote server. The code can reach the IBM MQ server and recognize the MQ Manager, but w