Category "igraph"

How can I add geographic distance matrix to an igraph network?

I have an igraph network of 169 nodes (neighbourhoods). I've added some vertices attributes using: V(g)$attribute. I'm going to study the impact of the geogra

How to plot skew network data?

Using plot.igraph(), I have created a network graph using the following code: V(g)$color <- "orange" V(g)[name %in% data.set[[1]] ]$color <- "lightblue"

How do I calculate the global efficiency of graph in igraph (python)?

I am trying to calculate the global efficiency of a graph in igraph but I am not sure if I using the module correctly. I think there is a solution that might ma

R: Display "popup" information when mouse hovers over (graph) visnetwork

I simulated some data and created a graph network in R using visnetwork: library(igraph) library(dplyr) library(visNetwork) #create file from which to sample f

Color a subset of vertices but not their edges with visIgraph

How can I set the color of a subset of the graph nodes without also coloring their edges using visNetwork::visIgraph? Currently, my function vis_graph_prototypi

How can I modify the font size of the node labels with visIgraph?

I am plotting a graph that I construct via the igraph package using visNetwork::visIgraph and have seen that font.size is usually used as a parameter to control

python+igrph. TypeError: plotting not available

I want to use python notebook, igraph package to draw picture, example code is here( which i think is right) !pip install cairocffi import cairocffi as cairo

Strahler stream order using igraph or sfnetwork in R

I cannot fathom how to derive strahler order in R. Here's an example in postgres and neo4j. An attempt in R There are three rules (from the GRASS 7.8 Manual): i

How to properly plot a tree (27k nodes) using a circular tree / leave layout

I have this (unbalanced) tree with 27k+ nodes. It is an hierachy. Now I would to plot it as such to obtain a plot something like this (no idea how you would des

Hamiltonian path using iGraph

I started evaluating igraph library and its functionality. I need to calculate hamiltonian path of a graph generated by igraph_de_bruijn() function. Is there an

igraph: Resolving tight overlapping nodes

I have a graph with few hundred nodes and edges. The disconnected subgraphs separate out and resolve well but the nodes within subgraphs overlap and do not reso

Graph learning in R, igraph, tidygraph

I have a graph with each node having a value (value in red). I would like to do the following two things (I guess 1 is a special case of 2): Each node should b

How to split a string of author names by comma into a data frame and generate an edgelist to plot a network?

I have a long list of publications saved as a single column in a data frame. I'd like to generate a network of a short subset of co-authors that have contribute