Category "iis"

Permission to create cacert.pem in .certifi

My website is setup through IIS10, and I've given my application pool user, IIS AppPool\DefaultAppPool, all the rights I can think of. But when I use this appl.

Can you use an IIS to pass through an API-Call?

I do have a working API on one of my servers, lets call him server_one. So if my HTTP POST is something like https://server_one/api/xyz is there any chance i ca

ASP.NET 4.8 Feature unavailable in IIS 8.5 (Windows Server 2012 R2)

Windows Server 2012 R2, IIS 8.5, .NET 4.8 is installed (verified via the Registry, see screen-shot). On my Windows 10 machine, I see the option to select the AS

How to troubleshoot ASP.NET app never loading in IIS

I have an ASP.NET app (.NET Framework) deployed to an ec2 instance running Windows Server and IIS. The app never loads in my browser - it just spins forever. Th

Configuring IIS for strong ETags only (“w/“ weak broke caching)

W/eak ETags -> No Caching Yesterday I published a single index.html and index.hash.js file to an IIS website. The generated ETags had a “W/“ pref

Url decoding problem on deployment with IIS and FastCGI on windows server

I realized an app front Angular, back-end Django, deployed on Windows server using IIS and FastCGI. This app serves media files on a certain URL. It works fine

IIS 10.0 (Windows Server 2019) For all web pages returns blank page with all feature installed

Good morning. I have seen several topics about the same problem in the forums. But applying the tips equally I can't get it to work for me. I have contracted Wi

Can I use the System.Data.SqlClient provider to establish a connection with an Azure SQL Managed Instance? How about other SQL DBs?

Can I use a connection string with the System.Data.SqlClient provider to connect to an Azure SQL Managed Instance? Or just to a Microsoft SQL Server? If so, sho

Redirect an https URL to an internal web app

I currently have an https domain hosted in a Windows Server R2019 machine. I am also developing a web application in Node.js in my laptop th

RestSharp issues integrating with zscaler product will not work on IIS Server 2012 R2

Our organization is removing our proxy web servers and integrating Zscalar. We were informed that all we had to do is remove the proxy property/settings. So I

Http request stuck in the IIS webserver post authentication

We are having an IIS hosted web service and randomly some incoming requests get stuck post authentication. I have added some logging in the code but the call is

How to disable HTTP1.1 and only use HTTP/2 in Windows Server 2016 and IIS 10?

Traffic to my site is using HTTP1.1, and I want to force the server to only use HTTP/2. I'm running Windows Server 2016 and IIS 10. I've tried adding HKEY_LOCA

aspnetcoremoduleV2 missing from iis modules after running the runtime bundle

I dont have aspnetcoremoduleV2 in iis modules, even after installing the runtime/hosting bundle so I cant deploy or test any core service P.S: I used to hav

Connecting Lucee v5.3.8.201 and IIS10.0.19041

I'm trying to convert web sites from Adobe ColdFusion (ACF) to the open source Lucee instead. My issue is to make sure all my previous ACF work runs without err

Add line numbering to a .docx with ActiveXObject('Word.Application')

Hi i want to add line numbering to the opened .docx file before converting it to .pdf and i really didn't find how to do that on code, it is converting my .docx

C# renamed class reference issue

We have ASP.NET MVC application which is running on windows server machine. I have renamed classes to satisfy sonar scanning. The code deploys and runs without

Blazor-server-side can't see GLTF files

i have my blazor app hosted on azure with iis got some GLTF file i want to access with three.js but its like my app can't see any of my GLTF files. i have added

FTP connection error with Failed to retrieve directory listing

I am trying to connect to a FTP server hosted on azure VM using IIS I can connect but I keep getting the following error: Error: Connection timed out after

Controller class xxxController could not be found error

I was migrating my web application to another server. Everything works fine except for viewing any uploaded file. It keeps showing the same error whenever I tr

System.UnauthorizedAccessException in mscorlib.dll

I was developing an ASP.NET application. Then I did not test the application in the debugger of Visual Studio, but transferred it via File Deploy to another ser