Category "impala"

impala/hive show file format

How can I have impala or hive return the file format of the underlying files on HDFS for a table? I tried: SHOW FILES database.table_name This ilst the files,

Forming Impala query metrices rest end point

I want to get metrices of implala queries . I have found rest api "/clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/impalaQueries". But I am not sure how to form

Calculating the mode/median/most frequent observation in categorical variables in SQL impala

I would like to calculate the mode/median or better, most frequent observation of a categorical variable within my query. E.g, if the variable has the following

Impala compare consecutive rows and insert identical row if there are no values

I have a table that gives me data every month and I need that range of time. I noticed that sometimes I don't have data for 3/4 month but I need to duplicate th

Impala compare consecutive rows and insert identical row if there are no values

I have a table that gives me data every month and I need that range of time. I noticed that sometimes I don't have data for 3/4 month but I need to duplicate th


I am trying to figure out how to extract customer ID from string that looks loke this: {"param":"success","value":"10","level":"0","error_code":"101","customer

encountered : identifier expected cross, having,inner left, limit,order,right,where,commacausedby:exception syntax error

my query looks like but I am getting error select a.account_number,b.reference_acc from hdd.master_record format1 a join hdd.monetary b on a.load_date = b.load_

Impala - Check if a string is a number

Is there any way to check if a string is a number in Impala? like is_numeric is SQL?