Category "in-app-purchase"

Can’t find any information about original_transaction_id in Family sharing

Can’t find any information about original_transaction_id in Family sharing. Can anyone say will original_transaction_id one for all members who get a sub

Flutter In App purchase (subscription) automatically refund after three days

I have integrated in flutter in_app_purchase subscription (android ), but it always automatically refund after 3 days I am using below code for flutter subscrip

Huawei IAP - product list is empty in react native hms iap

I implemented react-native-hms-iap in my react native project. I configured all the details mentioned in here. Also I can assure that there is no signature issu

JAVA Generating a Signature for Apple Promotional Offers

I'm trying to generate a signature to be returned to the mobile application in order to validate a promotional offer with the App Store. Apple documentation :do

Flutter In-App Purchase Implement For Google Pay

I am trying to update my existing application on google play store from Android Java with Flutter Dart. On my existing application, I have an in-app purchase th

Unable to set up backend for In app purchases

I have written the cloud functions as per this In the section 10, to verify the purc

How do I get apple receipt from app store events in laravel

I am using imdhemy/laravel-in-app-purchases plugin to manage mobile purchases from Google and Apple. I configured Google ok and I'm handling purchase events cor

How to handle purchase made outside of the app (From Google play store)

Recently Google adds the option to resubscribe the in-app subscription from the google play store even when the plan expired (up to one year). You can check her

android reset in app purchase

at the moment i testing the in app purchase of my app. for this i create a google account as test account. i bought with my test account the in app option. now

InApp Purchases. No auth plugin to verify credentials for accounts of type

I'm using .storekit configuration. When trying to make a purchase for such a product there is an error <SKPaymentQueue: 0x600001240ce0>: Payment complete

How Firebase Cloudfunction check IAP subscribe changes outside from App?

I do the tutorial from CodeLab his project with all steps are here Github. Codelab helped me lot, Thanks! I do the steps and deleted all IAP products from tutor

Android IAB: Billing service unavailable on device

I am trying to implement IAB in my app. Each time the app starts, the start up fails with: Problem setting up In-app Billing: IabResult: Billing service unavai

"Error retrieving information from server RPC S-7 AEC-0" while testing Google in-app billing

I am trying to implement Google in app billing to my Application. I created SKU product id and implemented the billing process in code. While I am trying to tes

How do i get past purchases in In App Purchase flutter?

I've developed application with in app purchase functionality. And for that i used in_app_purchase package. In previous version i'm getting past purchases. but

Play Store updates/installs app using a different account than the one the user made IAP through

On this bug report on Github we were asked to raise the issue here. The is

Android in-app purchase setup keeps returning - Billing service unavailable on device. (response: 3:Billing Unavailable)

I'm trying to implement In-app billing in an app currently on google play store. I keep getting the same result for any device running the app. (I have read the

How to change the order of list of in-app purchases in appstore app information section?

I have more than 20 in-app purchase subscription plans inside my app. I want to show few selected plans inside the Appstore information section and also I need