Category "include"

Parallelism of Using and include, or at least, faster ways?

I am starting to have a big project and I am currently using and including many of packages and .jl files: a = time() @info "Loading JuMP" using JuMP @info "Loa

PCL library setup using vcpkg seems to be missing include files (pcl/visualization in particular)

My goal is to visualize a point cloud using PCL. This is possible according to their official tutorial (link). In the tutorial there is an include path pointing

Android compose need to place a constraintlayout on top of the UI

I am taking my first steps at jetpack Compose and currently i am developing a recyclerview-like list by using Card (and other compoenent layouts). For my applic

Clion / Cmake can't find boost on linux

I recently changed to Linux Mint Debian Edition and cannot include boost to Clion using cmake. Yesterday I tried every option I could find, including on stackov

using Django "include" template tag as nested - side effects?

Does anyone know or have any experience about bad side effects of using "nested include tags"? (I mean including a template file which itself includes another t

net/rime.h error using Cooja, how can I install it but not just download it?

I am trying to do a simple simulation in Cooja (literally the example on the Contiki website here). However I have an error message linked to my #include "net/r

Python - Include another Python script

I have a question. When you are programming in PHP you can use this to include external php script to current script. include('test_page.php'); So you don't

Loopback4 filter inside the scope return list still

I'm using lb4 I have some problems here, I try to find the list with where conditions inside the scope with pagination. const teacherWithStudents = await this.

How to Fix: Error: Segmentation Violation and IncludePath Needs to be Updated from Debugger

I am working with ROOT and have ROOT installed in my computer. I am writing my code using Visual Studio. In my code I have the following header files: #include

Java application for sorting and selecting

I need to develop a simple application for sorting and selecting data according to predefined rules. The application must be able to work with JSON lists of obj

include of header and footer in ejs file not working

guys I'm working on a node/express app in cloud 9. however, the include files in my home.ejs file are not working. I have

How do you install Eigen?

I'm a complete beginner at Eigen, including headers and coding in general. I tried installing Eigen's libraries to do some stuff in Visual Studio Code but I can

Which type of #include ("" or <>) when writing a library in C/C++

I am writing a library in C++. The library has multiple headers and cpp files and needs to be cross platform (Windows Visual Studio and Linux gcc). When built t

Issues when using w3data.js

I'm trying to use w3data.js for an all html website. The goal is to limit copy/paste from page to page by adding html includes. In my case I've created an index

I can't build c++ files anymore

I think i deleted some files i shouldn't and now when i try to build files in Sublime Text it says "g++ is missing" and in VS Code it says "#include errors dete

Find out the name of the last script that included the current one

Let's say I have 3 scripts, the main/top one which includes second which in turn includes a third. Let me draw that so it be clear. [top level script] -> [se

PHP Include for HTML?

I have a navigational bar, an image, and a heading that I'll be including in every page of my website, so I wanted to use php include to refer to this code in s