Category "indexing"

IndexError: list index out of range in for loop

I write a code in python but I faced this error : if a1[i] == a1[i+1] == a1[i+2]: IndexError: list index out of range I write an if condition that if my list l

PostgreSQL Nested Loop Join Performance

I have two tables exchange_rate (100 Thousand Rows) and paid_date_t (9 million rows) with below structure. "exchange_rate"

The dimension orders of the Numpy 3D array are designed to z, x, y. Are there any advantages?

I think that the x,y,z order is more intuitive for a 3D array, just as Matlab does. For example, If someone tells me an array is 2x3x4, I will think it is 2 row

Slow MySQL query on 2mill record table despite indexes

Struggling to understand why my query is taking ~8-12s to complete when my table has millions of rows. I can force it to use a specific index, and depending on

Julia: how to index an 'any' type array

I am new in Julia. I want to replicate the results in Wollmann (2019). However, it always give me this error: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching setinde

RangeIndex object is not callable

I am reading values from text file and and trying to find index of sub strings like below df=pd.read_csv('break_sent.txt', index_col=False,encoding='utf-8',del

Get index size on each shard?

I have a compound index on a sharded cluster living on Mongo Atlas. The Atlas UI tells me the index size is 10.1GB. Similarly, MongoDB Enterprise > db.myColl

Why does my =MATCH formula give #N/A or the correct answer in the exact same circumstance?

I'm trying to find the column number using a =match formula. In particular I am looking for a result of 42. As you can see, the formula looking in row 16 finds

Rationale of Rails 5 Join Table Generated Defaults

The Rails 5 command rails g migration create_foo_bar_join_table generates the following migration: class CreateFooBarJoinTable < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0]

Carousel image on different page with onPressed index

I am kinda new to flutter. I need help on Carousel images. I have carousel images using carousel_pro package. And i can open image on new page when pressed usin

Mysql) when i using user-defined variable , SQL explain use type "ALL"

When i using user-defined variable , i want to use 'index' like 'ref..'; for example, SET @company_code = "A002"; select * from product_in_out where company_

Custom Named Property Indexers

Is there any possible way to make a property that uses an indexer other than one global one for the whole class? Here's the gist of what I want to do. Note that

How to get all UserNames/UUIDs Minecraft API

I'm trying to make a program with a functionality similar to NameMC but I can't get all of the users of Minecraft. NameMC is an Index of all of the Minecraft us

How to use Curl to submit URLs İn Bulk With İndexNow API?

You know, with the indexnow api, we can now index pages instantly in bing and yandex search engines. I prepared a file like in the documentation(https://www.ind

Sort_values Pandas to sort by index?

I know that sort_index() lets me sort a df by the index, but I am wondering if sort_values() can sort by the index too (without resetting the index)?

NumPy 2D array: selecting indices in a circle

For some rectangular we can select all indices in a 2D array very efficiently: arr[y:y+height, x:x+width] ...where (x, y) is the upper-left corner of the rec

Create index for tables within Delta Lake

I'm new to the Delta Lake, but I want to create some indexes for fast retrieval for some tables in Delta Lake. Based on the docs, it shows that the closest is b

Using monotonically_increasing_id() for assigning row number to pyspark dataframe

I am using monotonically_increasing_id() to assign row number to pyspark dataframe using syntax below: df1 = df1.withColumn("idx", monotonically_increasing_id(

Why does a Python list not have unique indices for contiguous duplicate elements?

I was storing a list with elements [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4] When I iterated through it and printed each element's index, my output was something like this: 0 1 2 3 4

How to flip every character with the character next to it. Javascript

Need help inside the for loop to flip each character with the character before it. function flip(str) { //split string //iterate through split string //re