I am coming from looking at Rust and How do I detect unsigned integer multiply overflow? where in Rust they have checked_add, which is implemented like this: pu
How can I calculate the tens place value of 2^100 in C++? I tried this; #include <cmath> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){
I have a value, of type signed int, which is always clamped between, for example, ±1073741824 (2^30). I should be able to safely add or subtract any arbi
I need to convert one kind of std::chrono::duration to another kind but I need to know when such a conversion is not possible because the value would not be rep
I am using a subroutine (stats) to calculate statistics for a list of numbers. These numbers may be big enough to lose precision if stored as normal perl number
Modular inverses can be computed as follows (from Rosetta Code): #include <stdio.h> int mul_inv(int a, int b) { int b0 = b, t, q; int x0 = 0, x1
What is the correct way to check for an overflow after a call to Interlocked.Increment? I have an ID generator that generates unique ids during the program's ex
I'm trying to read the SECURITY_ENABLED flag of a groups groupType property. The problem is that the value I retreive by using DirectoryEntry entry... entry.P