I'm trying to run two tests in a same group in one test file. If I split them into two separate test files, they are working fine. But if I add them in a group,
I am trying to run my integration test on Firebase Test Lab. flutter build apk -t lib/main_dev.dart ./gradlew app:assembleAndroidTest -Ptarget=lib/main_dev.dart
I have integration tests named with "IT" at the end and the tests are excluded by default. My build.gradle contains: test { if (!project.hasProperty('runITs
I had a mocked bean in a configuration: @Profile('test') @Configuration class TestSecurityConfig { private final mockFactory = new DetachedMockFactory() @Pr
I have a CitrusEndpoints server configuration @Bean public HttpServer myService() { return CitrusEndpoints. http(). server().
I want to run a Quarkus integration test in order to verify OpenAPI yaml generated from the source code. According to the documentation, it should be possible t
public class ModelDTO implements Serializable { private Long id; private String datasetName; @JsonRawValue private String json; } Post API i
I have a .NET 6 web API project with existing integration tests for some of the API endpoints. The project uses Serilog for logging and everything was fine so f
We are running 200 - 300 UI test cases from an Azure pipeline. All the test cases are running on self hosted Windows agents, where all the dependencies are inst
I am trying to write some integration tests in my spring application. POM: <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.
I'm learning how to write tests and especially tests that have a producer in it. I cannot post all the classes because it's HUGE (and not mine, I should just pr
I don't know if this question is appropriate for this forum. I am developing a C# ASP.NET Core webservice and a client-side library that uses this webservice. A
The Goal Run integration tests but stub sub-requests to a specific domain that occur within the API code itself Ideally, do this via docker-compose because I wa
I've got the following rust project layout: project_name ├── crate_1 │ ├── src │ │ ...
We have a library ,in order to auto-configure the library we use spring.factories file under(src/main/resources/META-INF) which provides classes to auto-configu
I have a spring boot 2.6.7 app, using Liquibase, Gradle and Spock. I have a class that uses a guid format string as the ID: @Entity @Table(name = "devices") pu
I have used several times the package Microsoft.AspNetCore.TestHost to host Asp.Net Core Web API applications in my integration test. With Asp.Net Core 2.1 the
I added tests to my node js project using jest but for each test suite there's a beforeAll method that creates a new test server and connects to a mongo databas
I have .NET Core web API project, for some reasons, we created a background service in this project and start running the background service while the applicati
I am trying to run an IT test using a MongoDB test container. However, I get the following error when I run the test com.github.dockerjava.api.exception.Interna