Category "intersection"

Removing a list in a list of lists if a condition not satisfied

I have a list of lists. I want to remove lists if the lenght of intersection of values in the list with previous lists is more than one. For example A=[(1,2,3,4

Fitting a contour inside another contour using OpenCV

The idea is to have a rectangular contour, searching for the points of intersection with the triangle one (as shown in the image below) and then move the recta

Why ST_Intersection from Postgis returns multilinestring for self-intersecting linestrings?

I am trying on PostgreSQL with the extension Postgis to get the geometry of a gps_trace that intersects a box, then i want to get one linestring for each distin

Intersect float rows in two numpy matrices with precision

I'm looking for rows in B which are close to any of the rows in A example: eps = 0.1 A = [[1.22, 1.33], [1.45, 1.66]] B = [[1.25, 1.34], [1.77, 1.66], [1.44, 1.