Category "ios-simulator"

How to get the Iphone type from simulator (IOS)

There are a lot of solutions to find out on which device out app is running. iOS: How to determine the current iPhone/device model in Swift? But running in th

Encountered an error communicating with IBAgent-iOS. Failed to boot device iPhone Xs

I am getting an Error on the top of my interface builder in Xcode 10.3 and while clicking on report bug and checking the log.txt file I found out that fails to

What does do?

Our iOS automation tests on simulator have gone through disaster since upgrading to Xcode6. We can observe view switching slowing down, UIAutomation felt it too

How do I run an iPad Simulator in Xcode?

I am trying to run an iPad simulator on Xcode, but currently I only have one option when I go to Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Simulator, which launches t

SwiftUI — Color.yellow renders as brown on iOS device (but yellow in simulator)

Why does Color.yellow appear brown on my iPhone X but yellow in my simulator? It's not a display problem, as this iPhone X screenshot of a test app shows: As y

How to improve the display of variables which are objects in the xcode 4.5 debugger

I'm using Xcode 4.5 on Mac with the iOS simulator to write iPhone apps. When I hit a breakpoint in the debugger, I use the "Auto" to look at variables. The prob

Simulator slow-motion animations are now on?

A while ago I was experimenting, trying to see if i could get navigation items to animate and scroll between each other. I don't know if this is related but su