Category "ios"

.onReceive do not work when @Published property is changed [duplicate]

I have a @Published property in ViewModel and .onReceive in View. When my @Published var changes the .onReceive is not even executed. View is

JAVA Generating a Signature for Apple Promotional Offers

I'm trying to generate a signature to be returned to the mobile application in order to validate a promotional offer with the App Store. Apple documentation :do

SwiftUI: Animate offset to slide in from off screen

I'm trying to animate in a view the bottom of its parent view. This is relatively easy to do by animating the offset, like so: struct ContentView: View { @

Is there any method in react native to generate android and ios folders again?

I messed up in my react-native android and ios folder while doing some changes in internal files, now project is not starting with lots of errors which is from

Problem with running IOS simulator for my flutter app

I'm trying to run my flutter app on the IOS simulator and its not working. So tried on the most basic flutter app (create my_app and then tried to run it) and n

Resize and Rotate image Annotation added in pdf

Using this Link I have added signature image annotation in PDF file But i could not find any guide for how to rotate and resize image annotation using the butto

Firebase Plugins not Working on IOS (Ionic)

I am developing an Ionic App, and I am having some issues with the IOS App and Firebase/FCM Plugins. The Android App is working perfectly with the below plugin

Code Signing issue when Archiving using Fastlane in Github actions

Recently we have migrated all of our iOS projects from GitLab to GitHub. However when we are trying to build the code using GitHub Actions(Fastlane) In our self

Expand SwiftUI button tap area over the button frame

I read a similar question about that issue. But that only expand the button size use .padding(). The red region in the snapshot is the tappable area. The trai

How to enable iOS time-sensitive notifications switch in app settings?

I am working on changing types of notifications in my app to time-sensitive and active on iOS 15+. I noticed that if I go to iPhone settings -> Notifications

React Native Picker Change Overlay Color And Prevent Text Cut

currently i'm using library But i got some problem, my placeholder text is cutted and i want to change the overlay

Convert [String: Any] to [String: String] in swift

How to convert a [String: Any] to [String: String] in Swift. I've tried to cast like this, but it didn't help: for (key, value) in dictionary { dictionary[

How to dynamically get the UID of the IOS simulator device and then install in that device

How to dynamically get the UID of the IOS simulator device and then install it in that device. I currently have this BASH script which does the job, however, wh

CSS Animation Behaving Differently on Safari / All iPhone Browsers

I've been stuck on this problem for 3 days and have scoured the Internet for a solution, but haven't been able to find one that works yet. I have an animation o

Unity Firebase on IOS lFirebaseCore is not found error

i am importing my unity project to xcode to compile. I imported Firebase SDK in unity and exported for ios. But on build i am getting the following error. ld: l

Beginner in Realm Swift - How to instantiate a new Realm in SwiftUI

I have a class DataEntry that I want to store instances of in a Realm database, but i'm having issue instantiating a Realm. Here is my DataEntry class: class Da

iOS MapBox fit camera to multiple coordinates [latitude and longitude] or annotations

in MapBox documentation for android there is LatLngBounds, but for iOS there are nothing, is there any way todo it for iOS

Flutter assets_audio_player

i have a problem with this package (, only and only on iOS after having lowered the volume of a song it does not ra

EXC_BREAKPOINT with very large line number value in crashlytics swift/ios

I am getting a worrying amount of EXC_BREAKPOINT crashes in crashlytics for my iOS swift app. I tried fixing the bug by looking at the method 'populate(user:wi

How can i show previous 30 days in my list calendar?

I have a calendar, that works correct but shows only current day and future. How can i set previous days? I'd like to highliht a current day but also give an op