Category "ipad"

3D point cloud from AVDepthData / CVPixelBuffer iOS

i'm new to iOS development so apologies if this is something basic. I want to create a point cloud having [x, y, z, r, g, b] values using the AVDepthData / CVPi

iOS IPA file could not be installed because it's integrity could not be verified

After installing ipa file on my iPad 14.2 version this error prompt. " this app cannot be installed because its integrity could not be verified" what should

How do I make packages without version numbers work in Swift Playgrounds on the iPad?

I‘m trying to import the Swift package into the playgrounds app on the iPad, but it won‘t work. I suspect

What Simulator devices are currently needed to make screenshots for Apple App Store?

I ask this question as instead of getting to this information quickly I had to search for it in a more complicated manner. So, what Simulator devices are needed

unable to align multiple controls in SwiftUI

I'm trying to align controls as shown in "Storyboard" pic using the SwiftUI but not sure why still there is distance between segment control and search-Bar, and

How to add properties in info.plist in iOS

I want to open PDF attachment via email in my own application: I refer two link here: How do I associate file types with an iPhone application? and here on Rayw

How do I run an iPad Simulator in Xcode?

I am trying to run an iPad simulator on Xcode, but currently I only have one option when I go to Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Simulator, which launches t

How can I present a small page sheet with SwiftUI?

I'm developing an app for iPad with SwiftUI. I want to present a page sheet but with a smaller size. I'm using but I can't change the width of the page sheet.

NavigationView in iPad popover does not work properly in SwiftUI

I have the following code that displays a popover when a button is tapped: struct ContentView: View { @State private var show = false var body: some

How to create Previous/Next buttons above keyboard like in Safari

I'm trying to add Previous/Next buttons above the keyboard like in mobile Safari. There are a lot of questions about that here on StackOverflow, but most answer

Turn off Autocorrect Globally in an App

I would like to disable text-entry autocorrect in an iPad application, regardless of what the global settings for autocorrect are on the device. Is there a good