Category "ipywidgets"

I cannot get an ipywidgets on_button_clicked(b) event in Jupyter Notebook to work in exported HTML

I have a collection of widgets in a Jupyter Notebook, including an ipyleaflet Map and ipywidgets Button. I can get the button on_button_clicked(b) event to work

ipywidgets interact: set the framerate?

I have an ipywidgets.interact slider bar on a long-ish running process. This creates a situation where, when I move the slider bar, several values get buffered

How to show the image after using 'FileUpload' widgets

I am new to Python and I want to show the image after using FileUpload widgets in Python. Also, I want to print the file name. uploader = widgets.FileUpload() d

How can I force two jupyter sliders to interact with one another (non-trivially)? Is "tag" available for handler?

I want to create two ipywidget sliders, say one with value x, the other with value 1-x. When I change one slider, the other one should be automatically changed

Embed widgets with jupyter-cadquery (threejs): wrong position on load

I am using jupyter-cadquery to visualize some 3D models made with CadQuery. When visualizing the models on a Jupyter notebook, everything works as expected. B