Category "itertools"

How to chain, and then "unchain" a nested list?

I have a nested list that I need to chain, then run metrics, then "unchain" back into its original nested format. Here is example data to illustrate: from iter

Get certain number of elements from Itertools.combinations

I need to split the total number of elements in iterator : tot= itertools.combinations(dict1.keys(), 2) into 3 parts. The size of dict1 = 285056 Total combinati

Can I use itertools.count to add values in a column, resetting at a certain point?

I'm trying to create a list of timestamps from a column in a dataframe, that resets after a certain time to zero. So, if the limit was 4, I want the count to ad

Generate the feasible list of combinations

I have used the following function to generate fund combinations in a portfolio. For example, I have four funds in the portfolio. The incremental change of each

Python two text side by side with precise width

I've got an exercise where I have two text, "left" and "right". I need to make a function to make them side by side given a width as parameter and all of this u

How to combine two vectors of references without consuming an iterator?

I want to combine two reference vectors and convert them into a vector of values without consuming an iterator. Situation: Generate vectors by iterating over sp

Why does Python's itertools.cycle need to create a copy of the iterable?

The documentation for Python's itertools.cycle() gives a pseudo-code implementation as: def cycle(iterable): # cycle('ABCD') --> A B C D A B C D A B C D