I am using a Spring Boot application and I need to dynamically populate the blanks in an existing PDF using the values from the database. I have attached the im
Let's assume I have an existing pdf with a fixed header and footer and blank body like the below image And I have to add content to the body(
I'm using iText 7 for printing some text in List (in Hebrew) to PDF file, but while printing the Hebrew characters are printed in a reverse way. The input given
I am trying to save xml file as PDF as it is. In other words, I am trying to create PDF file that shows content of XML like a screenshot (like raw screenshot).
I'm using iText 7.1.15 and SignDeferred to apply signatures to pdf documents. SignDeferred is required since the signature is created PKCS11 hardware token (usb
I try to sign some pdf's with a Belgian id card. To acheive that, I'm using the belgium eid middleware to sign the data and itext7 to stamp the pdf with the sig
According to the PDF spec it is possible to merge the widget dictionary and the field dictionary when there is only one associated widget annotation. Is there s
I have this mobile app where I need to export some rows of the database to pdf. I need to have a pdf structure in order to get the information correctly placed.
I'm facing a problem with a Web API I have that receives a PDF document (PDF form) as a base64 encoded string, makes it into a file, fills in some of the fields
I have a specific problem that I cannot seem to resolve. I am trying to create a PdfStamper with the following code. The line marked with --> is where the e
I am getting 500k records per request from the Database then mapping the data to a list of POJO classes then writing the records to an excel sheet (I have the r
I'm struggling with this problem for hours now but I can't find a way out, the problem is that: I wrote a program that generate a pdf file using itext version
i use itext 7.1.9 for create the carrier lable bill. i want my bill have full with and height of the document, i set with table 100 percent or large width but m
How to get coordinate of left of line text paragraph pdf. I mean like pic (x,y). Coordinate per line. I use itext5 and java
I'm developing a "program" that create barcode and insert them on the original pdf. This is my code: package com.mycompany.barcodeinserter; import com.itextpdf
I'm working on a project where i have to read an existing pdf using iTextSharp.PdfReader, then getAnnotations in order to insert them back in a new generated pd
I want to make a round rectangle in itextsharp. Here is the output I have now without rounding: and here is my code that processes that output: pdftbl = new
I need to extract images from PDF. I know that some images are rotated 90 degrees (I checked with online tools). I'm using this code: PdfRenderListener: public
I am creating a utility that will add a multi-line text field just below the last line of text in an existing PDF document. This will be used for people who wan
Here an example of my code: PdfPCell row6cell_1 = new PdfPCell(row6Par_1); row6cell_1.setBorder(Rectangle.NO_BORDER); row6cell_1.setBorder(Rectan