Category "jackson-databind"

Why @JsonIgnore annotation doesn't work during deserializing data?

I have a data a

Scala Jackson deserialization failing with "non-static inner classes" error version Jackson2.10

I am trying to upgrade from Jackson-2.5 to 2.10 Below deserialization code was working for me, before but post upgrade the solution is failing with following er

Cpp: JSON parser in Cpp that provide support Serialize/Deserialize feature, converting JSON objects to user-defined classes?

I'm working on native C++ development and looking for JSON parser that can handle complex JSON files and convert into class objects. I've looked at native ben

ObjectMapper enable method is deprecated

I'm upgrading the version of my project and I am currently using jackson-databind-2.13.0 .But I noticed that ObjectMapper's enable method is deprecated. They sa