Category "jackson"

How to configure jackson with spring globally?

To serialize deserialize object I am useing Jackson as flow @JsonSerialize(using = LocalDateSerializer.class) @JsonDeserialize(using =

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude$Value

I am trying to convert my json string to java object and I am getting error Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/fasterxml/jackson/ann

Custom property keywords in JSON Schema using Jackson annotations

I would like to create custom property keywords that would be preset in the JSON schema generated using Jackson. This would be something similar to what JsonPro

Why does Jackson 2 not recognize the first capital letter if the leading camel case word is only a single letter long?

I'm using Spring 4 MVC with Jackson 2 for my service. For one of the operations I have a request object that has an attribute where the leading camel case word

Need Jackson serializer for Double and need to specify precision at runtime

There are many posts about creating Jackson serializers for numbers, currency, etc. For engineering applications, there is often a need to set the precision on

Check if JSON is valid in JAVA using Jackson

I have a JSON string which I am storing it in DB as a string. In front-end, I am rendering this JSON as object. I am using: JSON.parse(string); Uncaught S

How to use Jackson JsonSubTypes annotation in Kotlin

I'm trying to convert some Java code that uses Jackson's @JsonSubTypes annotation to manage polymorphism. Here is the working Java code: @JsonTypeInfo( us

Deserializing YAML with root name prefix using Jackson

I would like to deserialize a YAML file into a Java object using Jackson and jackson-dataformat-yaml. The YAML is company: product: settings: proper

Jackson/Kafka LocalDateTime serialization not working properly

We have a very strange/intermittent issue with kafka and jackson. We have a dto defined which has 4 date field startdate, enddate and a embedded metatdata class

Setting default values to null fields when mapping with Jackson

I am trying to map some JSON objects to Java objects with Jackson. Some of the fields in the JSON object are mandatory(which I can mark with @NotNull) and some

Spark job failing on jackson dependencies

I have spark job that is failing after the upgrade of the cdh from 5.5.4 which had spark 1.5.0 to cdh 5.13.0 which has spark 1.6.0 The job is running with the

InvalidDefinitionException while using JsonCreator with JsonProperty.Access.READ_ONLY

I'm getting InvalidDefinitionException when trying to use @JsonCreator along with @JsonProperty(value = "version", access = JsonProperty.Access.READ_ONLY) This

Only using @JsonIgnore during serialization, but not deserialization

I have a user object that is sent to and from the server. When I send out the user object, I don't want to send the hashed password to the client. So, I added @

How to map JSON field names to different object field names?

What is the equiv way in Jackson json annotation for the following jax-b annotations? I need to produce json rather than xml and need to know the conventional

no String-argument constructor/factory method to deserialize from String value

I am trying to make use of an external NYtimes API. Here is an sample example data output : { "status": "OK", "copyright": "Copyright (c) 2016 The New

Spring Hibernate Jackson Hibernate5Module

I have set up spring 4.3.1 with Hibernate 5.1.0 and Jackson 2.7.5 I had some lazy init Exceptions because the Jackson ObjectMapper tries to convert my Objects

Map JSON default tag to java variable

I am consuming a rest service where the incoming JSon Response is something like this "thumbnailUrls": { "small": "skinresources/unpackaged/images/defau

How to overcome "Conflicting setter definitions for property "?

I use com.fasterxml.jackson and io.swagger libraries. In my REST endpoint I use org.javamoney.moneta.Money type for a GET query. When deploying the war i get f

LocalDateTime - deserialization with LocalDateTime.parse

I have the field initiationDate which serialises by ToStringSerializer class to ISO-8601 format. @JsonSerialize(using = ToStringSerializer.class) private Local

POJO Json object wrapped in double quotes doesn't deserialize to Java

My application is receiving json objects from some source and these are wrapped as strings. These are not getting deserialized but throw exception like mentione