Category "java"

Docker & Selenium-Java :- Unable to upload Image/file in chrome browser running on a docker container

I running selenium testcases with a remote driver on a docker container. I want to upload files to a chrome browser running on a conatiner. I have tried the fol

IllegalArgumentException("Null KeyStore name") while trying to debug SpringBoot App

I`ve got IllegalArgumentException("Null KeyStore name") in while trying to debug SpringBoot App. Debugging in every other project, including Spr

EventChannel not being called every time

I am very new to flutter+dart framework. I am trying to understand how EventChannel works. I have set up EventChannel to capture the number of an incoming call.

Camel SFTP with Quartz scheduler: prevent concurrent execution, reject task if busy

Camel 3.11 Spring Boot 2.5 Java 11 I have a dynamic Camel routes that fetches files from an SFTP server. There is one route per SFTP user. The routes are schedu

How do I prevent RSocket from allowing cross origin in Spring Boot?

My Problem I have a spring boot application that uses RSockets. My spring boot app is running on port 8080, and my front-end (React.js) is running on port 3000.

Does a java thread come back to running state soon after it receives the response in wait state after making rest template call?

I have a REST API service which makes an REST API to an external system using RestTemplate. Time out set is 3 sec. To make this external call, I have an Executo

Unsuccessful Download using DownloadManager in Android 9

I have an xls file in my server which needs to be downloaded in my phone using an apps. I'm using Nokia 5 and Android 9 for testing. My compile sdk version is 2

Attempt to read from field 'android.view.View androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView$ViewHolder.itemView' on a null object reference

I am making an app that gets data from sql and puts it in a recycle view i first tried it in a list view but i found it easier in a recycle view it is basically

How to fix "Unable to make protected final java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass?

I've started a project using java 16 and I'm getting errors in the project all over the place: An error has occurred. See error log for more details. Unable to

Get current location to find the nearest places

I want to when I log in to the app I will get current location user then I will pass it to main activity. private LocationRequest locationRequest; private Fireb


I'm handling a web service with camel xml ?dataFormat=POJO on the from But a front end dev is shoving some data in a field now, and I need to check if it's popu

How can I check if treeUri is empty?

I want to check if a treeUri has any files in it or if its empty, so I can delete the Folder. Ive tried listFiles but comes up with Landrodix.etc. and not the a

When setTimeRange is large and bucketByTime is short in DataReadRequest of Google fit history Api, getting error "gms.common.api.ApiException: 5022"

I am trying to read all data from the Google fitness store, but when the "setTimeRange" is large ie: i am trying to get all data and the "bucketByTime" is in sm

How can I make stream with fixed arguments along with varargs? [duplicate]

Let's say we have the following method. void some(int id, int... otherIds) { } How can I create a single IntStream with those two arguments?

S3 programmatic access via Java

I'd need to create out of my Java program a private S3 bucket and an IAM user that is allowed to access that bucket only. So I'd have some admin account creden

Cannot deserialize value of type `java.lang.String` from Array value from mockmvc

public class ModelDTO implements Serializable { private Long id; private String datasetName; @JsonRawValue private String json; } Post API i

Alternative to loading class dynamically in Java

I have the following method: private static Class<?> classForName(final String classNameToIgnore) { try { return TypeAnyHelper.class.getClassL

Java : Are sub threads lock the main thread?

I am new to Java, I have want to starts 02 thread to increase an attribute of an object and I want to print out the value of this attribute until it reach a cer

Match multiline text using regular expression

I am trying to match a multi line text using java. When I use the Pattern class with the Pattern.MULTILINE modifier, I am able to match, but I am not able to do

Running test with testcontainers as part of a Dockerfile

My dockerfile looks something like this: FROM maven:3-jdk-11-slim COPY pom.xml . COPY src src RUN mvn clean install That means that part of the build is the