I'm trying to install JDK 17 to macOS BigSur (11.5.2) using brew install openjdk@17 > brew install openjdk@17 Running `brew update --preinstall`... ==> Au
while updating from Wildfly version 24 to version 26 I found an anoying change within REST. If I post with curl some data, it is just not received on the server
I can't seem to find a containsAny() method for SetIterable types in Eclipse Collections. Is there one? MutableSet<String> set1 = Sets.mutable.of("a", "b"
In the code I do not even use entityManagerFactory. I extend JPARepository and for creating the tables I have entities annotated with @Entity (using javax.persi
(I slightly re-edited my post as I found out that I need just one native lib, not all 4 as previously thought) I am on Windows 7 x64, and I try to pack my nativ
How to force execution in a "While" loop until it reaches a certain value in the database table. For example, I need it to run as long as the values in the tabl
I have a spring-boot application that defines a mysql DataSource: spring.datasource.url=... spring.datasource.username=... spring.datasource.password=... I r
i work on an app that displays a page through a webview. I have implemented my own progress bar and it works fine. However i cannot get rid of the default andro
Due to project sec. issues . Not allowed to use com.sun.management.OperatingSystemMXBean . Instead i am trying to use java.lang.management.OperatingSystemMXBean
I'm creating a parquet file from Java using org.apache.parquet.*. No issues with other data types, but when a binary value is written and I cat the parquet file
I already googled this problem for almost a day and tried several fixes (including 4 or 5 from StackOverflow) but none of them worked. I have this POJO with ann
I'm upgrading my application from Spring Boot 2.5.4 to 2.6.1 and having depency issues: **Description: The dependencies of some of the beans in the application
My Spring Boot application uses TestNG and it has the surefire plugin. I am attempting to package it on the terminal but it keeps failing on the maven test step
i want to run my code in intellij ide (community edition) and when i try to run it, i got this error Cannot determine path to 'tools.jar' library for 18 (C:/Pr
As far as I can tell, Paths.get and Path.of seem to do exactly the same thing, turning one or more strings into a Path object; the documentations for Paths.get
I made this code so that if status == 500 the name of the api would be equal to "FAKE_CLIENT_RETRY", if the status of the api == "ERROR", the name would be equa
I want to add my animation in android. First I copy TranslateAnimation.java to MyAnimation.java, and change class name. But Android build failed. error message:
I'd like to make an Android app to list files and their size, a bit like WinDirStat or TreeSize on Windows, or DiskUsage on Android. I tried this to get a list
Is it possible to use a property value to invoke a method while assigning a value? For instance, I know I can do this: @Value("${name}") private String name; //
I have a spring boot application which contains a scheduler that picks up file from my local.I want the scheduler to be rescheduled to an hour after if my local